Engine Properties
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ allows you to set engine properties at AppNode or Appspace config.ini file. Configure the engine by changing or assigning appropriate values to the properties. For more information, see appspace_config.ini_template or appnode_config.ini_template files at {TIBCO_HOME}\bw\6.x\config directory.
BW Engine General Configuration
The properties in this section are applicable to the bwengine.
BW Engine Database Configuration
The properties in this section are applicable to the BW Engine database. All properties in this section are mandatory, when the BW Engine property bw.engine.persistenceMode is set to datastore or group.
Property | Description |
bw.engine.db.jdbcDriver | The bwengine database driver. |
bw.engine.db.url | The bwengine database URL. |
bw.engine.db.userName | The bwengine database user name. |
bw.engine.db.password | The bwengine database password. |
bw.engine.db.maxConnections | The number of connections that can be made to the bwengine database. |
BW Engine Group Configuration
The properties in this section are applicable to the BW Engine group. Some of the properties in this section are mandatory when the BW Engine property bw.engine.persistenceMode is set to group or ftgroup.
Property | Description |
bw.engine.groupName | It specifies name of the BW engine group. If this property is not specified, then the group name defaults to Group_<DomainName>_<AppSpaceName>" |
bw.engine.group.ats.timeout | BW Engine Active to Standby Timeout property specifies the time to wait (in seconds) before force stopping an application on an AppNode that is transitioning from active to standby state.
The default value is 60 secs. If the value is set to 0, it indicates the appnode waits till the application is gracefully stopped. |
bw.engine.groupProvider.technology | BW Engine Group Connection Provider Technology. This is a required property when the
bw.engine.persistenceMode property is set to
group or
The supported values for the bw.engine.groupProvider.technology property are ems and ftl. |
BW Engine ftgroup Properties
Property | Description |
bw.engine.ftgroup.lbmode |
When this property is false, all processes run on a single engine in the group. One of the engines in the group takes over in the event the primary engine fails. When this property is true, all Multiple AppNodes processes run on all the engines in the group. This property only applies when the BW Engine property bw.engine.persistenceMode is set to ftgroup. The default value is false. |
bw.engine.use.weighted.node | Indicates whether or not node weights should be used. The property is applied at the AppSpace level.
When the property is set to true, the node with the highest weight is chosen as the primary node in the group. Use the property bw.engine.node.weight in the node config to specify that node's weight. This property only applies when the BW Engine property bw.engine.persistenceMode is set to ftgroup. When you want to elect an AppNode as a leader AppNode, then set the bw.engine.use.weighted.node property to true at an AppSpace level. The default value is false. |
BW Event Configuration Properties
The properties in this section are applicable to the BW Event Publisher and various BW Event Subscribers that consume the generated events.
BW Engine Group Connection Provider EMS Configuration
Some of the properties in this section are mandatory when the BW Engine Group Connection Provider Technology property bw.engine.groupProvider.technology value is set to ems
Property | Description |
bw.engine.groupProvider.qin.EMSServerUrl | Mandatory. The bwengine Group Connection Provider EMS URL. |
bw.engine.groupProvider.qin.EMSUserName | Mandatory. The bwengine Group Connection Provider EMS User Name. |
bw.engine.groupProvider.qin.EMSPassword | Mandatory. The bwengine Group Connection Provider EMS User Password. |
bw.engine.groupProvider.qin.EMSPrefix | The bwengine Group Connection Provider EMS Member Prefix.
The default value is EMSGMS. |
bw.engine.groupProvider.qin.EMSRecoveryTimeout | The bwengine Group Connection Provider EMS Recovery Timeout in milliseconds.
The default value is 5000. |
bw.engine.groupProvider.qin.EMSRecoveryAttemptDelay | The bwengine Group Connection Provider EMS Recovery Attempt Delay in milliseconds.
The default value is 500. |
bw.engine.groupProvider.qin.EMSRecoveryAttemptCount | The bwengine Group Connection Provider EMS Recovery AttemptCount. |
bw.engine.groupProvider.qin.EMSConnectAttemptCount | The bwengine Group Connection Provider EMS Connect Attempt Count. |
bw.engine.groupProvider.qin.EMSConnectAttemptDelay | The bwengine Group Connection Provider EMS Connect Attempt Delay in milliseconds. |
bw.engine.groupProvider.ems.ssl.trust.identity | EMS ssl configuration client identity consisting of the certificate, private key and optionally extra issuer certificates can be included into a single data block using PKCS12, KeyStore or Entrust Store encodings. |
bw.engine.groupProvider.ems.ssl.trust.certLocation | The set of Trusted Certificates represents all trusted issuers of the server certificate. |
bw.engine.groupProvider.ems.ssl.trust.password | EMS SSL connection trust password. |
bw.engine.groupProvider.ems.ssl.disable.verifyHostName | Trusted certificate common name must match the ems server hostname if set to false. |
bw.engine.groupProvider.ems.ssl.trust.disable.verifyHost | The client and server certificates must match if set to false. |
BW Engine Group Connection Provider FTL Configuration
Some of the properties in this section are mandatory when the BW Engine Group Connection Provider Technology property bw.engine.groupProvider.technology value is set to ftl
Property | Description |
bw.engine.groupProvider.ftl.realmserver | Mandatory. BW Engine Group Connection Provider FTL Realm Server.
The default value is http://localhost:8080 |
bw.engine.groupProvider.ftl.username | Mandatory. The bwengine Group Connection Provider FTL Realm client user name. |
bw.engine.groupProvider.ftl.password | Mandatory. The bwngine Group Connection Provider FTL Realm client password. |
bw.engine.groupProvider.ftl.appinstance.id | Mandatory. The bwengine Group Connection Provider FTL application identifier. |
bw.engine.groupProvider.ftl.secondaryserver | The bwengine Group Connection Provider FTL secondary realm server. |
bw.engine.groupProvider.ftl.groupname | Mandatory. The bwengine Group Connection Provider FTL group name. |
bw.engine.groupProvider.ftl.appname | Mandatory. The bwengine Group Connection Provider FTL application name. |
bw.engine.groupProvider.ftl.publish.endpoint | Mandatory. The bwengine Group Connection Provider FTL publish endpoint. |
bw.engine.groupProvider.ftl.subscribe.endpoint | Mandatory. The bwengine Group Connection Provider FTL application name. |
bw.engine.groupProvider.ftl.client.retries | Use the property to set the FTL property
To retry forever, set the value to 0. If the connect call cannot connect to the FTL server after the maximum number of connection attempts, an exception is displayed. |