REST API to Enable and Disable Analyzer Execution Statistics

API Context for the following APIs is http://<host name or IP address>:<appnode port>/bw/app.json/{app_Name}/{app_Version}/analyzerstat

Get Status

Method GET
Description To get the status of the analyzer execution stats for a particular application.
Path Parameters
  • parameter: appName
  • Type: String
  • Description: Application name
  • parameter: appVersion
  • Type: String
  • Description: Application version
Query Parameters
  • parameter: entity
  • Type: String
  • Description: Select the entity as activity or process
Header Parameters None
  • Code: 202

    Message: true or false

    Description: Response OK, with the status of the analyzer execution stats.

  • Code: 404

    Message: Not Found

    Description: An entity is not selected.

  • Code: 405

    Message: Entity name is not valid. The valid names are [process | activity]

    Description: An entity is not selected.

    The valid values for the query parameter entity are [process | activity].

Enable Analyzer Stats

Method POST
Description To enable the analyzer execution stats for a particular application.
Path Parameters
  • parameter: appName
  • Type: String
  • Description: Application name
  • parameter: appVersion
  • Type: String
  • Description: Application version
Query Parameters
  • parameter: entity
  • Type: String
  • Description: Select the entity as activity or process
Header Parameters None
  • Code: 202

    Message: No message

    Description: The server successfully processed the request.

  • Code: 404

    Message: Not Found

    Description: An entity is not selected.

  • Code: 405

    Message: Entity name is not valid. The valid names are [process | activity]

    Description: An entity is not selected.

    The valid values for the query parameter entity are [process | activity].

Disable Analyzer Stats

Description To disable the analyzer execution stats for a particular application.
Path Parameters
  • parameter: appName
  • Type: String
  • Description: Application name
  • parameter: appVersion
  • Type: String
  • Description: Application version
Query Parameters
  • parameter: entity
  • Type: String
  • Description: Select the entity as activity or process
Header Parameters None
  • Code: 202

    Message: No message

    Description: The server successfully processed the request.

  • Code: 404

    Message: Not Found

    Description: An entity is not selected.

  • Code: 405

    Message: Entity name is not valid. The valid names are [process | activity]

    Description: An entity is not selected.

    The valid values for the query parameter entity are [process | activity].