Framework Operations REST API

Method GET
Description Starts and stops the Collector (UDP Server). If the query parameter "operation" is not set then the current state of the collector is returned.
Path Parameters None
Query Parameters
  • parameter: operation
  • Type: String [optional]
  • Description: Value= [start, stop]. Start and stop the collector.
Header Parameters None
  • Code = 200

    Message = "Collector started successfully." or "Collector stopped successfully."

  • Code = 503

    Message = "Internal Server Error"

Method POST
Description Refreshes the In-memory statistical data which is by default done in 60 seconds. This time is also user-configurable on demand.
Path Parameters None
Query Parameters
  • parameter: refresh
  • Type: String
  • Description: Value= [true, false]. Refresh data.
  • parameter: interval
  • Type: Integer [optional]
  • Description: Update the value of the refresh interval.
Header Parameters None
  • Code = 200

    Message = "Data Updated Successfully."

  • Code = 503

    Message = "Internal Server Error"