OSGi Commands

You can run commands to gather data about running AppNodes and applications.

Command Reference

  • To view all commands, use
    curl -v http://localhost:8090/bw/framework.json/osgi?command=help
  • To view command syntax, use
    curl -v http://localhost:8090/bw/framework.json/osgi?command=help%20<command_name>
    For example,
    curl -v http://localhost:8090/bw/framework.json/osgi?command=help%20pauseapp 

The following table lists some of the commands.

OSGi Commands
Command Description
bw:dsr Diagnoses shared resource issues.
bw:geticon Tests for availability of TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ activity icons with a given ID and type.
bw:lais Retrieves statistics for activities that have been executed in one of the processes for the application.
bw:lapi Retrieves information about all process instances for the application based on the applied filters.
Note: You can see the output of lapi command on the console. The output can be exported in the CSV format.
bw:las Lists all instantiated activities.
bw:lat Lists all registered activity types.
bw:lbwes Lists all subscribers that are currently listening to ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ statistics events.
bw:le Prints information about ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks engines.
bw:lec Prints information about ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks engine configurations.
bw:lendpoints Lists endpoints exposed by the ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks engine.
bw:les Lists all instantiated EventSources.
bw:lmetrics Prints job metrics for application(s) running on the AppNode.
bw:lpis Prints statistics of one of the processes that have been executed for the application.
bw:lr Lists all resource details.
bw:lrhandlers Lists all resource handlers.
bw:lrproxies Lists all resource proxies.
bw:startesc Starts collection of execution statistics for a given entity (activity/process) for application(s).
bw:stopesc Stops execution statistics collection of given entity (process/activity) for application(s).
bw:startpsc Starts collection of process statistics for application(s).
bw:stoppsc Stops collection of process statistics for application(s).
bw:lapis Prints summary of active process instance.
frwk:appnodeprocessinfo Prints information about AppNode system processes.
frwk:dc Delete a configuration with a given PID.
frwk:dc Delete all configurations.
frwk:la Print information about all applications.
frwk:lap Print all application properties.
frwk:lb List installed bundles matching a substring.
frwk:lb List all installed bundles.
frwk:lcfg Print all CAS configuration details.
frwk:lp Print information about all known ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks processes.
frwk:ll Print information about all libraries.
frwk:lloggers Print all loggers currently configured on the AppNode.
frwk:lp Print information about all known ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks processes.
frwk:pauseapp Stop the process starters and their bindings and pause all jobs of an ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks application.
frwk:resumeapp Start the process starters and their bindings and resume all jobs of an ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks application.
frwk:setloglevel Sets the log level for a given logger.
frwk:startcomps Start all process starters and their bindings of an ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks application.
frwk:startps Start the process starters of an ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks application.
frwk:stopps Stop the process starters of an ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks application.
frwk:startapp Start an ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks application gracefully.
frwk:stopapp Stop an ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks application gracefully.
frwk:td Print a full thread dump.
Note: To run some of the statistics retrieval commands such as lapi, you must first run the startpsc statistics activation command.