TCP Connection

The TCP Connection shared resource specifies the connection information for the TCP server. This resource is used when a process acts as a TCP client connecting to a remote server or when a process acts as a TCP server accepting incoming TCP.


The General section has the following fields.

Field Description
Package The name of the package in which you want to create a shared resource.
Name The name of the shared resource.
Description A short description of the shared resource.


This section has the following fields.

Field Literal Value/Module Property Description
Host Yes When a process acts as a client, this field specifies the host name or host IP address of the TCP server to connect to.

When a process acts as a server, this field specifies the hostname or IP address of the machine where the process engine is running. You can specify localhost , or if the machine has more than one network interface card, you can specify the IP address of the card you want to use to accept the TCP/IP connections.

Port Yes This field specifies the port number on which a TCP server is listening for requests.
Enable Connection Pool Yes Selecting this check box enables the When Exhausted Connections, Maximum Connections, Maximum Wait Time, and Idle Timeout fields.
When Exhausted Connections Yes When the connections are exhausted on the server, select any one option from the following available options.
  • Block: the pool is blocked when the pool is exhausted, that is, the maximum number of active objects has been reached, until a connection is available, or the maximum wait time has been reached.
  • Fail: when the pool is exhausted, that is, the maximum number of connections have been consumed, it fails.
  • Grow: when this policy is selected a new connection is created for every request of the client, therefore there is no maximum connection limit.
Maximum Connections Yes Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous client sessions that can connect with the server. This parameter is enabled only if connection pooling is enabled, that is, the Enable Connection Pool check box is selected.

The default value is 10.

Maximum Wait Time (msec) Yes Specifies the maximum wait time in milliseconds to connect to the TCP server. This parameter is enabled only if connection pooling is enabled. That is, the Enable Connection Pool check box is selected.

The default value is 10000.

Idle Timeout (msec) Yes Specify the idle timeout for the connections in milliseconds.

The default value is 1.


Select the Confidentiality check box to encrypt or decrypt messages. When you select the check box, the SSL Client Configuration field is visible.

For more information, see SSL Client Configuration.