Configuring TIBCO FTL® as the Group Provider for Engine
Follow these steps to configure the engine for group persistence mode, and to set TIBCO FTL as the group provider technology.
- See the ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ readme for the version of TIBCO FTL that is supported with the version of ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 6.x you are using.
- Ensure you have installed FTL client libraries. For more information, see Integrating with TIBCO FTL in theTIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Installation guide.
- These steps are only applicable if you are not using TIBCO FTL as the BWAgent transport.
- If you are installing TIBCO FTL after you have already installed ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks, set the tibco.env.FTL_HOME variable in the bwcommon.tra file. You can find this file in the bin folder at BW_HOME\bin for Windows, or ${BW_HOME}/bin for Unix.
- Install TIBCO FTL. For instructions, see the TIBCO FTL® Installation guide.
- Start the FTL Realm server by executing the
./tibrealmserver -ht
<hostIP>:<port> FTL command.
./tibrealmserver -ht <hostIP>:<port>
- Execute the following FTL command to populate data in the bwadmin_ftlrealmserver.json template file, located in the config folder at
./tibrealmadmin -rs <realmserverurl> -ur <PATH of bwadmin_ftl_realmserver.json>
- Create the engine database by executing the bundled scripts create.sql,create-scp.sql and create-dcp.sql. Scripts for creating the engine database for various database types are located at BW_HOME/config/dbscripts/engine. The engine directory contains folders for the supported database types, and scripts for each database can be found in the respective folders.
Set engine persistence mode property (bw.engine.persistenceMode) to
group and configure the engine group configuration.
- Optional. If you have saved the config.ini file to a temporary location, ensure you copy it to the AppSpace root folder located in BW_HOME/domains/defaultdomain/appspaces/defaultappspace.
- Use the config admin command to push the configuration to the AppSpace: bwadmin[admin] > config -d myDomain -a myAppSpace -cf <temporaryLocation>/config.ini.
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