Using the Quick Fix Option to Resolve XSLT out of Sync Errors

After migrating a project, use the Quick Fix option to resolve XSLT out of Sync errors in the project.


Set the minimum JVM heap size to either 4GB, 6GB or 8GB, keeping in mind the size of the project. For additional instructions, see Specifying JVM Heap Size in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Performance Benchmarking and Tuning guide .

After migrating a project, follow these steps:


  1. Turn off the Auto Build, which is enabled by default, by selecting Project > Build Automatically.
  2. From the Problems tab, click the downward arrow icon, and select Configure Contents.
    The Configure Contents window is displayed.
  3. Clear the Use item limits check box and select OK.
    This causes all of the errors in the project to display.
  4. From the Problems tab, right-click on an XSLT out of Sync error, and select Quick Fix.
  5. Click Select All.
  6. Click Finish.
  7. Clean the project to fix broken mappings that might have occurred.
  8. To fix broken mappings, select Project > Clean.


The number of XSLT out of Sync errors in the migrated project are either reduced or fully resolved. If there are a few XSLT out of Sync errors still lingering, use the Quick Fix option to resolve these problems. Make sure the Auto Build is turned off during this process.