List of Process Engine Error Codes
This topic lists the error codes generated by the ActiveMatrix BPM Process Engine and details of the corresponding errors.
Error Code | Message Name | Description | Comments |
BX- 600001 | MISSING_REPLY_VARIABLE_AND_PARTS | Reply activity {replyActivity }, variable and fromPart are missing. | Possible BPEL generator error. Either variable or fromPart has to be defined on the reply activity. |
BX- 600002 | SEND_REPLY_FAILURE | Reply activity, {replyActivity } was unable to send reply using partner link {partnerLink}, operation {operation} and message exchange {messageExchange}. Cause: {cause} | Send message failed. Might be a wire configuration issue. |
BX- 600003 | MISSING_PARTNER_LINK | Partner link is missing | Possible BPEL generator error. Cannot find a partner link scope. |
BX- 600010 | OPERATION_NOT_FOUND | Operation, {operation} not found. | Operation could not be found. Possibly missing from the service. |
BX- 700001 | EXIT_ON_STANDARD_FAULT | ExitOnStandardFault | Exit on standard fault. |
BX- 800003 | PROCESS_EXIT_WITH_FAULT | Process ended with fault | Process faulted due to a specific cause. Please see cause for details. |
BX-100001 | INVALID_BRANCH_CONDITION_EXCEPTION | Branches are greater than number of iterations | In a multiple instance loop a number of branches is greater than number of iterations. |
BX-100002 | INVALID_EXPRESSION_VALUE_EXCEPTION | Invalid expression value: {0} {1} | Expression returned an invalid value. See message for details. |
BX-100003 | INVALID_VARIABLES_EXCEPTION | Invalid variables: {variables} | The "validate" part of the <assign> activity fails, that is, one of the variables is invalid against its corresponding XML definition. |
BX-120001 | ACTIVITY_JAVA_BUNDLE_NOT_FOUND | Bundle [{bundle}] not found | Java bundle not found. |
BX-200001 | UNEXPECTED_STATE | Unexpected State: {state} | Unexpected process state. Refer to the message for more information. |
BX-200002 | PARSE_EXCEPTION | Parsing Error: {error} | Parsing error occurred. Refer to the error for more information. |
BX-200003 | VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION | Variable {variableName} not found | Unable to find the variable. |
BX-200004 | UNEXPECTED_PREDECESSOR_STATE | unexpected predecessor state: {state} | The predecessor task is in an unexpected state. |
BX-200006 | ASSERTION_ERROR | Assertion error @{linkName} | Assertion error (debugger) |
BX-200007 | EXCEPTION_HANDLING_EXCEPTION | Exception handling exception. | Task encountered an exception when handling a fault or an unhandled exception. Please see cause for details. |
BX-200008 | NON_SERIALIZABLE_EXCEPTION | {exception} | This is not thrown but rather included in the exception if the cause could not be serialized. |
BX-300001 | SQL_EXCEPTION | SQL Exception: ErrorCode = {errorCode}, SQLState = {sqlState}, Message = {message}. | SQL exception occurred. Refer the error code, SQL state and message for more information. |
BX-400001 | CORRELATION_NOT_MATCHED | Correlation Violation. Correlation set, {correlationSet} does not match the inbound/outbound message. | Correlation violation occurred due to mismatch between correlation set values and inbound/outbound message. |
BX-400002 | CORRELATION_INITIATED | Correlation Violation. Correlation set, {correlationSet} is already initiated. | Correlation violation occurred due to correlation set already being initiated. |
BX-400003 | CORRELATION_NOT_INITIATED | Correlation Violation. Correlation set, {correlationSet} has not been previously initiated. | Correlation violation occurred due to correlation set not being previously initiated. |
BX-500001 | CONFLICTING_RECEIVE_EXCEPTION | Conflicting receive | A business process instance MUST NOT simultaneously enable two or more receive activities for the same partnerLink, portType, operation and correlationSet(s) (including WS-BPEL processor-specific correlation). |
BX-500002 | ACTIVITY_TIMEOUT_EXCEPTION | Activity timed out | Activity timed out (cancelling timer event was triggered) |
BX-600000 | MISSING_REQUEST | Reply activity, {replyActivity} cannot be associated receive activity. | Reply activity cannot be associated to the receive activity |
BX-600004 | MISSING_RECEIVE_VARIABLE_AND_PARTS | Receive activity {receiveActivity}, variable and fromPart are missing. | Possible BPEL generator error. Either variable or fromPart has to be defined on the receive activity. |
BX-600005 | MISSING_REPLY | Missing reply for operation {operation}. | The primary activity and the event handlers of a scope completed (or a process instance completed) but there is an orphaned Web service interaction using a partner link or message exchange declared in a completed scope or process instance. |
BX-600006 | INVOKE_FAILURE | Invoke activity, {invokeActivity} was unable to send a message using partner link {partnerLink}, operation {operation}. Cause: {cause} | Send message failed. Might be a wire configuration issue. |
BX-600007 | MISSING_INVOKE_IN_VARIABLE_AND_TO_PARTS | Invoke activity {invokeActivity}, inputVariable and toPart are missing. | Possible BPEL generator error. Either inputVariable or toPart has to be defined on the invoke activity. |
BX-600008 | MISSING_INVOKE_OUT_VARIABLE_AND_FROM_PARTS | Invoke activity {invokeActivity}, outputVariable and fromPart are missing. | Possible BPEL generator error. Either outputVariable or fromPart has to be defined on the invoke activity. |
BX-600009 | MISSING_REFERENCE_PROVIDER | Reference provider not found for partner link {partnerLink} | Could not find a reference provider, please check that component has a reference with this name configured. |
BX-600012 | UNABLE_TO_PROCESS_MESSAGE | Unable to process message for operation {operation} in process {process}, module {module}, module version {moduleVersion}. | Could not process incoming message. See error for details. |
BX-600013 | MESSAGE_NOT_MATCHING_DEFINTION | Message, {message} does not match message definition. | Message definition in this module’s registry does not match the incoming message. Possible upgrade problem or incorrectly constructed WSDL message. |
BX-600014 | MESSAGE_DEFINTION_NOT_FOUND | Message definition not found for {0} | Cannot find a message definition for a given QName. Possibly missing a WSDL import in the process or an upgrade problem. |
BX-600016 | PROCESS_IDENTIFIER_FIELD_VALUE_NOT_SPECIFIED | Process identifier field missing process name. | Reusable Sub-Process task does not have a proper runtime identifier field supplied. |
BX-600017 | PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND | Package [{package}] not found. | Reusable Sub-Process task could not find a module with the specified name. Either the module has not been deployed or a dynamically supplied value is incorrect. |
BX-600018 | PROCESS_NOT_FOUND | Process [{process}] not found. | Reusable Sub-Process task could not find a process with the specified name. Either the module that contains a process has not been deployed or a dynamically supplied value is incorrect. |
BX-600019 | PROCESS_INTERFACE_DIFFERS | Process [{process}] implements different interface. | Process implements a different interface than this parent process is expecting. Please check your process design. |
BX-600020 | SUB_PROCESS_CANCELLED | Sub-process cancelled | Sub process has been cancelled (most likely by a user). |
BX-600021 | THROW_ERROR | Error thrown with error code [{errorCode}]. | Throw task threw an error with the following fault name. |
BX-600022 | MISSING_PORTTYPE_DESCRIPTOR_ERROR | Missing port type for service [{service}]. One possible reason could be a missing WSDL file. | Missing port type for this service. One possible reason could be a missing WSDL file. |
BX-600024 | OPERATION_ID_NOT_FOUND | Operation [{operation}] with partner link [{partnerLink}] not found. | Operation not found in the particular service. Please check that this operation is defined in this service. |
BX-600025 | CREATE_MODULE_FAILED | Create module failed for module [{module}] version [{version}] | Could not create the module. Please see exception for details. |
BX-600026 | SYSTEM_INIT_PROBLEM | Problem encountered during system initialization | Problem encountered during system initialization. Please see exception for details. |
BX-600027 | SYSTEM_STOP_PROBLEM | Problem encountered during system stop | Problem encountered during system stop. Please see exception for details. |
BX-600028 | ADD_PROCESS_DEFINITION_FAILED | Adding definition failed for process [{process}] module [{module}] | Could not create a process definition for this module. Please see cause for details. |
BX-600029 | INVALID_PROCESS_PRIORITY | Invalid process priority value [{value}] | Invalid process priority. Allowed values are: 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 450. |
BX-600030 | RESOURCE_RELEASE_FAILED | ResourceManager release operation failed for [{0}] | Could not release the resource. Please see cause for details. |
BX-600031 | PREPARE_FOR_UNDEPLOY | Cannot perform operation on Module [{module}] with version [{version}] as it is in prepared for undeploy state and not available to do more work. | Module is in the process of being undeployed and is not available for processing new jobs. |
BX-600032 | MARK_FOR_DELETION | Cannot perform operation on Module [{module}] with version [{version}] as it is in marked for deletion state and not available to do more work. | Module has already been undeployed and is not available for processing new jobs. |
BX-600033 | CREATE_MODULE_DUPLICATE | Create module encountered a duplicate for module [{module}] version [{version}] | Cannot create a module with this name and version as one already exists. Either undeploy it or change your module name or version. |
BX-600036 | MISSING_INTERFACE_PROVIDER | Interface provider not found for partner link {partnerLink} | Cannot find an interface provider with the supplied service name. Please make sure that component has a service configured with this name. |
BX-600037 | INIT_MODULE_FAILED | Init module failed for module [{module}] version [{version}] | Initialization of the module failed. Please see cause for details. |
BX-600041 | DESTROY_MODULE_FAILED | Destroy module failed for module [{module}] version [{version}] | Destroying the module failed. Please see cause for details. |
BX-600043 | PROCESS_INSTANCE_ALREADY_JOINED | Process instance [{processInstance}] already joined | Process instance with this ID has already received a message on this operation. This message will be refused. |
BX-600044 | OPERATIONS_NOT_MATCHING | Operation {operation}, port type {portType} in module {module}, version {version} does not match the same operation in module version {moduleVersion} | WSDL operation in the first module version does not match the one in the second module version. This can lead to unpredictable results and can only happen if the modules have been deployed as two separate applications. Please reconsider your upgrade scenario. If you wish to make incompatible interface changes while running both versions please rename the operation or create a new WSDL with a different namespace and add new operations there. |
BX-600045 | UNDEPLOY_MODULE_FAILED | Undeploy module failed for module [{module}] version [{version}] | Undeploying of module failed. |
BX-600046 | TOO_MANY_PARTS | Incoming message has more than one part, while expecting an element for task [{task}] element name [{elementName}] | Incoming message has more than one part while only one element is expected. |
BX-701001 | DATA_SETUP_FAILURE | An error encountered while setting up data. | Setting up of data failed. |
BX-701002 | QUERY_INVALID_FAILURE | The query is invalid. The expected query format is similar to a SQL select statement. Possible cause is [{cause}]. | The query is not a valid SQL query. |
BX-701003 | QUERY_NULL_FAILURE | The query cannot be empty. | The query is empty. |
BX-701004 | QUERY_INVALID_DATETIME_VALUE | The datetime value [{0}] is incorrect. | The datetime value is invalid. |
BX-701005 | QUERY_INVALID_PROCESS_ID | Process instance with id [{id}] cannot be found. | Unable to find corresponding process instance with the id provided. |
BX-701006 | QUERY_INVALID_PANG_ID | The specified query/pang id [{id}] is invalid. Please enter a valid id of integer type. | The pang id is invalid. |
BX-701007 | QUERY_INVALID_ACTIVITY_NAME | Activity [{activity}] is not found in the process template. | Unable to find the activity in the process template. |
BX-701008 | QUERY_NO_ACTIVITY_INSTANCE | Activity [{activity}] has not yet started for this process instance. | Activity has not yet started for the process instance. |
BX-701009 | QUERY_INVALID_PRIORITY | Priority [{priorityValue}] is invalid. Please enter 100(LOW), 200(NORMAL), 300(HIGH) or 400 (EXCEPTIONAL). | Priority value for the query is not one of the valid values 100, 200, 300, 400. |
BX-701010 | QUERY_PARAMETER_NOT_DEFINED | Parameter [{parameter}] not defined. | Query parameter is not defined. |
BX-701011 | QUERY_INVALID_ACTIVITY_ID | The specified activity id [{activityId}] is invalid. Please enter a valid string i.e. pvm:010A.2.1c | The specified activity id is invalid. |
BX-701012 | QUERY_DEADLINE_NOT_IN_USE | Deadline not in use for activity [{activity}]. | Deadline is not in use for activity. |
BX-701013 | QUERY_MODULE_NOT_FOUND | Module [{module}] with version [{version}] not found. | Unable to find module version. |
BX-701014 | QUERY_WILDCARD_SELECTION_NOT_ALLOWED | No wild card (*) selection is allowed in paginated queries. | |
BX-701015 | QUERY_INVALID_STATUS_STRING | An invalid status value has been selected. | |
BX-701016 | QUERY_UNAUTHORIZED_INSTANCE_OPERATION | User is not authorized to perform this operation on this instance. | User does not have permission to perform this operation. Please request permission from your BPM system administrator. |
BX-701017 | QUERY_OPERATION_NOT_FOUND | Process [{process}] operation [{operation}] not found. | The operation name in the process does not match the start operation in the request. |
BX-701018 | QUERY_INVALID_PROCESS_STATE | Process [{process}] is not in the valid state. | The process is not in the valid state. |
BX-701102 | BULK_OPERATION_SPECIFIC_INSTANCE_FAILURE | We cannot complete the operation [{operation}] for the instance [{instance}]. Please see exception in log. | This is an informational message. This information is conveyed when the operation cannot be performed on a particular instance for a bulk operation. The bulk operation can be cancel, resume or suspend. The operation may not be performed because it could be invalid for the particular process instance state. |
BX-701130 | OPERATION_FAILED | Operation failed: {operation}. See log for details | Operation failed. Refer log for more information. |
BX-702001 | DEBUGGER_INITIALIZATION_FAILURE | An error occurred while initializing the debug. Cause: {cause} | Unable to initialize the debugger due to error. |
BX-702002 | DEBUGGER_NOT_AVAILABLE | Debugger not available | Debugger is not available. |
BX-702003 | DEBUGGER_OPERATION_FAILED | Debugger operation [{operation}] failed | An operation in the debugger failed. |
BX-703001 | AUTHORIZATION_FAILURE | Authorization failed. | Exception occurred when trying to request authorization from the DE service. Please check if the DE service is up and running. |
BX-703002 | SUBJECT_HAS_NO_PRINCIPAL | Subject has no principal. | |
BX-703003 | TOO_MANY_ORG_IDS | Too many organization ids: {0} | You have created too many organization ids. The current maximum is six. |
BX-800001 | PROCESS_TERMINATED | Process terminated | Process terminated due to an unhandled exception. Please see cause for details. |
BX-800002 | PROCESS_FAILED | Process failed: [{0}] [{1}] | Process faulted due to a specific cause. Same as BX-800003 but is thrown to a pageflow. |
BX-800004 | GENERATED_FAULT_REPLY_FAILED | Generated fault reply failed | Could not generate a service exception due to the error. Please see error message for details. |
BX-800005 | ACTION_FAILED_TO_COMPLETE | Action [{action}] failed to complete | Action failed to complete. Please see the message for a specific action details. |
BX-800006 | PROCESS_SUSPENDED_ON_ERROR | Process suspended on error: [{error}] | Process was suspended due to the error. Obsolete in BPM 2.0. |
BX-800007 | PARAMETER_VALUE_IS_NULL | ParameterName can not be null. | Parameter name has to be specified, please enter a valid name. |
BX-800008 | TASK_UPDATE_FAILED | Task update from [{0}] failed. | Task could not be updated with a signal due to the error. Please see error details. |
BX-800009 | TASK_REPORTED_ERROR | Task reported an error | Task reported an error, logged before the process is halted. Process can be resumed to fail, retried if an error is intermittent or a task can be ignored. Please see halt data for details. |
BX-900001 | EXTENSION_ACTIVITY_NOT_registerED | Extension activity [{extensionActivity}] not registered, defaults to empty activity. | Extension activity with a particular name is not registered. |
BX-900002 | EXTENSION_ACTIVITY_NAMESPACE_NOT_registerED | Extension activity namespace [{extensionActivityNamespace}] not recognized, defaults to empty activity. | Extension activity with a particular namespace is not registered. |
BX-900003 | DUPLICATE_PREFIX_DEFINITION | Duplicate prefix definition: prefix [{prefix}], namespace1 [{namespace1}], namespace2 [{namespace2}] | Duplicate prefix encountered while creating a process. |
BX-905001 | ADD_PROCESS_DEFINITION | Adding definition for process [{process}] module [{module}] | Creating a process definition for a particular module. |
BX-905002 | CREATE_MODULE | Creating module module [{module}] version [{version}] | Creating a module with a particular name and version. |
BX-905003 | CREATE_SUBPROCESS | Sub-Process instance [{subProcessInstance}] created for module [{module}], process [{process}], parent process id [{parentProcessId}]. | Sub process instance created for a particular module and process definition by a specific parent. |
BX-905004 | CREATE_PROCESS | Creating process instance: module [{module}], process [{process}] | Creating process instance for a particular module and process. |
BX-905005 | PROCESS_CREATED | Process instance [{processInstance}] created for module [{module}], process [{process}] | Process instance created for a particular module and process. |
BX-905006 | SET_READY_FAILED | setReady error: Couldn't find a task for the following uri: [{uri}], userData: [{userData}] | |
BX-910001 | ACTIVITY_ENTER_METHOD | Enter method [{methodName}]. | |
BX-910002 | ACTIVITY_CONFIGURATION_INFO | Configuration info is [{configurationInfo}]. | |
BX-910003 | ACTIVITY_DEBUG_MSG | {0} [{1}]. | |
BX-910004 | ACTIVITY_EXCEPTION_MSG | Exception Cause is [{cause}] Exception Message is [{message}] Exception Stack is [{stack}] | |
BX-DB-110013 | ACTIVITY_DATABASE_SET_COLUMN_ERROR | Problem setting the column result for columnName [{columnName}] as the following type [{type}] is not supported. Exception is [{exception}] " | Unable to set the result for a particular column as the type is not supported. Refer exception for more information. |
BX-DB-110001 | ACTIVITY_DATABASE_NO_CONNECTION_DATA_SOURCE | Cannot get connection data source. Perhaps, the data source property is incorrect or missing". | |
BX-DB-110002 | ACTIVITY_DATABASE_NO_CONNECTION_PROFILE | No connection profile is found. | |
BX-DB-110003 | ACTIVITY_DATABASE_INVALID_STORED_PROCEDURE_NAME | Invalid procedure name specified. It can not be null. | |
BX-DB-110004 | ACTIVITY_DATABASE_MISSING_SQL_STATEMENT | SQL statement cannot be empty. | |
BX-DB-110005 | ACTIVITY_DATABASE_IMPROPER_SQL_UPDATE_STATEMENT | SQL must be an UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE statement. Invalid SQL is [{sql}]. | Improper SQL is provided. |
BX-DB-110006 | ACTIVITY_DATABASE_WRONG_NUMBER_OF_INPUT_PARAMETERS | [{numberOfSQLtParameters}] input parameters declared in the SQL statement but [{numberOfInputParameters}] input parameters provided. | Incorrect number of input parameters not matching the number of SQL parameters. |
BX-DB-110007 | ACTIVITY_DATABASE_INVALID_OPERATION | Specified database operation [{sqlDatabaseOperation}] is invalid. Please use design tool to design database process. | The database operation is invalid. Please use design tool to design the database process. |
BX-DB-110008 | ACTIVITY_DATABASE_INVALID_RETURN_VARIABLE | Data variable type specified for parameter [{parameter}] does not have the capacity to hold the returned data. | The return variable is invalid and cannot hold the returned data. |
BX-DB-110009 | ACTIVITY_DATABASE_INVALID_CDS_FACTORY_CREATE_METHOD | Cannot find Factory create method [{factoryCreateMethod}]. | The defined BOM type used to hold the database query results is incorrect. Please ensure the BOM attributes match the database attribute names that are queried. |
BX-DB-110010 | ACTIVITY_DATABASE_INVALID_CDS_FACTORY_CLASS | Cannot find Factory class [{factoryClass}]. | The defined BOM type used to hold the database query results is incorrect. Please ensure the BOM attributes match the database attribute names that are queried. |
BX-DB-110011 | ACTIVITY_DATABASE_NO_OUT_PARAMETER_VARIABLE | There is no OUT parameter defined to contain the database query results. | |
BX-DB-110012 | ACTIVITY_DATABASE_CANNOT_CONNECT_TO_DATABASE | CannotGetDatabaseConnection. | Unable to connect to the database. Please ensure that the resource template points to the correct database. |
BX-DB-110014 | ACTIVITY_DATABASE_SET_BOM_COLUMN_ERROR | Not able to set the database table column [{columnName}] for BOM [{bom}]. At design time, please ensure that there are BOM attribute labels that match the database table column names." | |
BX-DB-110015 | DATABASE_STORED_PROCEDURE_CONFIGURATION_ERROR | Not able to retrieve metadata information for stored procedure [{procedureName}] | |
BX-DB-110016 | DATABASE_XA_DATABASE_SUPPORT_ERROR | Database activity participation in a XA transaction is not supported. Please re-configure data source to be non-XA. Exception Cause is [{cause}] Exception Message is [{message}] Exception Stack is [{stack}] | The database is configured to be XA transaction supported. Please configure data source to be non-XA transaction supported. |
BX-DB-110017 | DATABASE_SET_CALLABLE_STATEMENT_ERROR | Problem setting the parameter [{parameter}] for index [{index}] with type [{type}] and value [{value}]. Exception is [{exception}] | |
BX-DB-110018 | DATABASE_SET_CALLABLE_STATEMENT_PARAMETER_NAME_ERROR | Problem finding the input parameter that matches stored procedure parameter [{parameter}]. | |
BX-EMAIL-100001 | EMAIL_ATTACHMENT_FILE_NOT_FOUND | Mail attachment not found | EMAIL_ATTACHMENT_FILE_NOT_FOUND_MSG = RtnCode = [{0}] RtnMsg = You may have specified an incorrect filename for an attachment, or the attachment may have been deleted. |
BX-EMAIL-100002 | EMAIL_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE | SMTP Connect Mail Error | EMAIL_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE_MSG = RtnCode = [{0}] RtnMsg = An error occurred connecting to the SMTP server. First, check your server configuration. Second, check that the SMTP server is running and check the network configuration. |
BX-EMAIL-100003 | EMAIL_INVALID_FROM_ADDRESS | Mail From email address is not valid | EMAIL_INVALID_FROM_ADDRESS_MSG = RtnCode = [{0}] RtnMsg = A valid Mail From address must be provided. Perhaps, one must exist on your SMTP server. |
BX-EMAIL-100004 | EMAIL_UNKNOWN_RECIPIENT | Unknown mail recipient | EMAIL_UNKNOWN_RECIPIENT_MSG = RtnCode = [{0}] RtnMsg = You may have made a mistake entering the recipient's address, or the address may not exist. |
BX-EMAIL-100005 | EMAIL_SEND_COMMUNICATION_ERROR | Error sending mail data command | EMAIL_SEND_COMMUNICATION_ERROR_MSG = RtnCode = [{0}] RtnMsg = There was a problem communicating with the SMTP server. Check that the SMTP server is running, and check the network configuration. |
BX-EMAIL-100006 | EMAIL_UNKNOWN_HOST | UnknownHostException | EMAIL_UNKNOWN_HOST_MSG = RtnCode = [{0}] RtnMsg = Unknown Host [{1}] |
BX-EMAIL-100010 | EMAIL_UNKNOWN_ERROR | Unknown mail error | EMAIL_UNKNOWN_ERROR_MSG = RtnCode = [{0}] RtnMsg = Unknown error. |
BX-EMAIL-100011 | ACTIVITY_EMAIL_INPUT_REQUIRED | Input Field [{inputField}] is required. | Input field is required for email. |
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