List Files
The List Files activity is a synchronous activity that returns information about files or directories, or a listing of all the files in the specified directory.
The General tab has the following fields.
The following is the input for the activity.
The following is the output of the activity.
Output Item | Datatype | Description |
fileInfo | complex | Element containing the
size, and
lastModified data.
This is a repeating element. Each item in the element is a file or directory included in the specified directory matching the provided criteria. |
fullName | string | The name of the file, including the path information. |
fileName | complex | The name of the file without the path information. |
location | string | The name of the file or directory this activity is configured to operate on. |
configuredFileName | string | The path to the file. |
type | string | The type of the file. |
readProtected | boolean | Signifies whether the file or directory is protected from reading |
writeProtected | boolean | Signifies whether the file or directory is protected from writing |
size | integer | The size of the file in bytes. |
lastModified | string | The timestamp indicating when the file was last modified. You can compare values in this element using the
compare-dateTime() XPath function.
For example, compare-dateTime($List-Files/ListFilesActivityOutput/files/fileInfo[fileName="myFile.txt"]/lastModified,current-dateTime()) |
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