Using the Wizard to Create a REST Service

A REST service provider exposes the resources in a process definition that can be invoked by clients using one of the following operations: POST, GET, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS, HEAD, and custom.


If a schema definition does not exist, create (or import) a schema definition in the process to which you want to add the REST service. To import an existing XSD file, drag and drop the .xsd file from the File Explorer to the Schemas folder of your project.
Important: To generate Swagger 3.0 compliant services, in TIBCO Business Studio for BusinessWorks select Window > Preferences > BusinessWorks > Bindings > REST. Select the Swagger Version as 3.0 from the drop-down list.

By default, the Swagger Version is 1.2.

To create a new schema file in TIBCO Business Studio™ for BusinessWorks™:
  1. In Project Explorer, right-click the Schemas folder.
  2. Select New > XML Schema File.
  3. In the Schema Editor, right-click in the respective box to add a directive, element, type, attribute, or group.
Note: When you create a REST service, make sure to edit the Default Host field in the HTTP Connector Resource to reflect the actual host name. By default, the Default Host field is set to localhost.


  1. In the Project Explorer view, select the process to which you want to add the REST service. There are multiple ways to invoke the wizard to create a REST service.
    • From the main menu, select File > New > BusinessWorks Resources > BusinessWorks REST Resource.
    • Right-click the menu, select New > BusinessWorks REST Resource.
    • Click on Create REST Service in the process editor area. (Note that REST services can only be created in stateless ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ processes.)

  2. In the REST Service Wizard window, configure the REST service implementation by specifying the values for Resource Service Path, Type of Resource, Operations, and Implementation Data.
    REST Service Wizard
    REST Service Wizard fields
    Field Description
    Resource Name The name for the new REST service
    Summary Summary about the new REST service
    Resource Service Path Specifies the URI that is used to access the REST service
    Resource Definition Select a resource schema for the REST service, if needed
    Operations By default, the POST operation is selected. Select or deselect the operations as needed.
    Note: You can add custom operations by clicking on the Add Custom Operation button.
    Implementation Data Choose between structured and opaque implementation data
  3. Optionally, click Next to configure the selected operations individually to specify the nickname for the operation (the default nickname is of the format <operation><resource_name>), summary, and the request and response elements and their data types.
  4. Click Finish.
    The wizard adds the REST service and the selected operations, and also creates a process definition with the multiple operations. It generates a .json file in the Service Descriptors folder of your project when it creates the service.
    Note: The REST service always implements the constructor operator.
  5. Add activities to the process and configure them appropriately. For example, update the POST process to add a Log activity to log the requests and connect the postOut activity to Log activity.
  6. Configure the input and output properties for the activities. For example, select postOut activity and select Properties > Input. Expand the data tree in the Data Source tab and map the post element from the left to the post Response element on the right to echo the element. Similarly, for Log activity, map the post element on the left to the ActivityInput message element on the right.
  7. You can optionally add an operation to the service using the Create REST Operation wizard. To open this wizard, click on the down arrow and click Create REST Operation to open the wizard.
  8. Save your changes.


The REST service is built and can be tested using the built-in tester Swagger UI.

For more information about the Swagger UI, see "Testing the REST Service" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Getting Started.