WSS Consumer

Configure the WSS Consumer policy to enforce confidentiality, integrity, and timestamping, and credential mapping.


The General section has the following fields.

Field Description
Package The name to be displayed as the label of the policy resource package.
Name The name of the policy resource.
Description A description of the policy resource.

Shared Resource for WSS Processing

The Shared Resource for WSS Processing section has the following fields.

Field Description
WSS Verification The WSS Verification shared resource that the WSS Consumer policy references.

Service Provider Details

The Service Provider Details section comprises of the Confidentiality tab, the Integrity tab, the Timestamp tab, and the Credential Mapping tab.


To maintain confidentiality, the policy can be configured for an outbound request to be encrypted and an inbound response to be decrypted at its endpoint. The Confidentiality tab has the following fields:

Field Description
Encrypt Request Specify the following fields:
  1. Trust Provider: Select a Trust Provider shared resource.
  2. Key Alias: Specify a Key Alias.
  3. Algorithm Suite: Specifies the algorithm suite required for performing cryptographic operations with symmetric or asymmetric key based security tokens. An algorithm suite specifies actual algorithms and allowed key lengths. The default selection is Basic128. You can select a different algorithm suite from the drop-down menu.
  4. Encrypt: Specify to Encrypt Parts or to Encrypt Elements of the message.
    1. Encrypt Parts: Select this option to encrypt the Body, Header, or both parts of the message.
    2. Encrypt Elements: Select this option to encrypt elements in the request message. When specifying the Element, ensure you also specify the Namespace of the element, and Prefix of the element if it has one.
Decrypt Response To Decrypt response, provide the Subject Provider or the Subject Provider (with Trust Credential) value in the WSS Authentication policy resource, and select the Enable Decryption check box on the Basic Configuration section of the WSS Authentication policy resource.


To maintain integrity, the outbound request can be signed and the signature verified in the inbound response. The Integrity tab has the following fields:

Field Description
Sign Request Specify the following fields:
  1. Subject Provider: Select a Subject Provider shared resource.
  2. Algorithm Suite: Specifies the algorithm suite required for performing cryptographic operations with symmetric or asymmetric key based security tokens. An algorithm suite specifies actual algorithms and allowed key lengths. Default type is Basic128. You can select a different algorithm suite from the drop-down menu.
  3. Digest Algorithm for Signature: The algorithm takes as input a message of arbitrary length and produces as output a 128-bit "fingerprint" or "message digest" of the input. Default type is SHA-256. You can select a different type from the drop-down menu.
  4. Sign: Specify to Sign Parts or to Sign Elements.
    1. Sign Parts: Select this option to sign the Body, Header, or both parts of the message.
    2. Sign Elements: Select this option to sign elements in the request message. When specifying the Element, ensure you also specify the Namespace of the element, and Prefix of the element if it has one.
Verify Signature on Response Select the check box to enable the Verify parts that are Signed field.

Select from the following options from the drop-down menu :

  1. Entire message
  2. Message header
  3. Message body


Under the Timestamp tab, configure the following fields to insert a timestamp in an outbound request and verify a timestamp in the inbound response.

Field Description
Set Timestamp on Request Specify time-to-live in seconds.
Verify Timestamp on Response No additional configuration required.

Credential Mapping

Under the Credential Mapping tab, select either Username Token credential mapping or SAML Token credential mapping to map credentials to the outbound request.

Field Description
No Credentials Select this option to ensure credential mapping is not enforced.
Username Token based Credential Mapping Select Fixed or Conditional:
  • If you select Fixed, specify an Identity Provider resource in the Identity Provider field.
  • If you select Conditional, specify the types of users your application maps credentials for. You can choose to map credentials for authenticated users with roles, authenticated users, and anonymous users.

For configuration details, see Basic Credential Mapping.

SAML Token based Credential Mapping Configure the following fields:
  1. SAML Token Profile: Select a token type. Specify either SAML 1.1 Token 1.1 or SAML 2.0 Token 1.1.
  2. Sign SAML Assertion: If you select this option, the following fields are enabled:
    • Subject Provider: Specify a Subject Provider shared resource.
    • Digest Algorithm for Signature: Select one of the following options from the drop-down menu:
      • SHA1
      • SHA256
      • SHA384
      • SHA512
    • Algorithm Suite: Select one of the following options from the drop-down menu:
      • Basic128
      • TripleDes
      • Basic256Rsa15
      • Basic192Rsa15
      • Basic128Rsa15
      • TripleDesRsa15
      • Basic256Sha256
      • Basic192Sha256
      • Basic128Sha256
      • TripleDesSha256
      • Basic256Sha256Rsa15
      • Basic192Sha256Rsa15
      • Basic128Sha256Rsa15
      • TripleDesSha256Rsa15
  3. SAML Issuer Name: Type a SAML issuer name.
  4. SAML Assertion Validity: Select SAML Assertion Validity (forever) to ensure that the SAML assertion is valid indefinitely. Optionally, you can select Specify Validity Period (sec) to specify the number of seconds the SAML assertion is valid.