Activity and Activity Instance Operation REST APIs

Activity Statistical Operations

Method GET
Description Find activities having max average evaluation time.
Path Parameters None
Query Parameters
  • parameter: limit
  • Type: Integer [optional]
  • Description: Limits the number of records to be fetched
  • parameter: appname
  • Type: String [optional]
  • Description: Filters the output with Application Name
  • parameter: appversion
  • Type: String [optional]
  • Description: Filters the output with Application Version
  • parameter: processname
  • Type: String [optional]
  • Description: Filters the output with Process Name
Header Parameters None
  • Code = 200

    Message = "Returns a list of activities sorted with average eval time."

  • Code = 503

    Message = "Internal Server Error"

Method GET
Description Find activities having max average memory consumption.
Path Parameters None
Query Parameters
  • parameter: limit
  • Type: Integer [optional]
  • Description: Limits the number of records to be fetched
  • parameter: appname
  • Type: String [optional]
  • Description: Filters the output with Application Name
  • parameter: appversion
  • Type: String [optional]
  • Description: Filters the output with Application Version
  • parameter: processname
  • Type: String [optional]
  • Description: Filters the output with Process Name
Header Parameters None
  • Code = 200

    Message = "Returns a list of activities sorted with average memory size."

  • Code = 503

    Message = "Internal Server Error"

Activity instance Operations

Method GET
Description Find activity instances having maximum eval time
Path Parameters None
Query Parameters
  • parameter: limit
  • Type: Integer [optional]
  • Description: Limits the number of records to be fetched
  • parameter: appname
  • Type: String [optional]
  • Description: Filters the output with Application Name
  • parameter: appversion
  • Type: String [optional]
  • Description: Filters the output with Application Version
  • parameter: processname
  • Type: String [optional]
  • Description: Filters the output with Process Name
  • parameter: processid
  • Type: String
  • Description: Filters the output based on the process id.
Header Parameters None
  • Code = 200

    Message = "Returns a list of activity instances sorted with eval time."

  • Code = 503

    Message = "Internal Server Error"

Method GET
Description Find activity instances for the given process id , listed in decreasing order of memory consumption
Path Parameters None
Query Parameters
  • parameter: limit
  • Type: Integer [optional]
  • Description: Limits the number of records to be fetched
  • parameter: appname
  • Type: String [optional]
  • Description: Filters the output with Application Name
  • parameter: appversion
  • Type: String [optional]
  • Description: Filters the output with Application Version
  • parameter: processname
  • Type: String [optional]
  • Description: Filters the output with Process Name
  • parameter: processid
  • Type: String
  • Description: Filters the output based on the process id
Header Parameters None
  • Code = 200

    Message = "Returns a list of activity instances sorted with memory size."

  • Code = 503

    Message = "Internal Server Error"

Method GET
Description Find activity instances details with the specified activity instance ID.
Path Parameters None
Query Parameters
  • parameter: activityid
  • Type: String
  • Description: Activity Instance ID to be searched for
Header Parameters None
  • Code = 200

    Message = "Returns an activity instance details."

  • Code = 503

    Message = "Internal Server Error"