Configuring BWAgent for MySQL and TIBCO Enterprise Message Service

The BWAgent can be configured to use MySQL database with TIBCO Enterprise Message Service (EMS) for persistence and transport.

Note: The database name must be unique per agent network if multiple networks share the same physical database. BWAgent and BW Engine supports sharing the same database, users and schemas.


  • Install TIBCO Enterprise Messaging Server 8.1 and start the server.
  • Download the MySQL server package MySql_server_5.5.40 from and install MySQL. Configure the server configuration by following the prompts in the MySQL Server Configuration wizard. Ensure that you select the following values:
    • Database: Multifunctional
    • Type of connectivity: Manual
    • Default port: 3306
  • Download the following connector JAR files for MySQL to the BW_HOME\config\drivers\shells\jdbc.mysql.runtime\runtime\plugins\\lib folder:
  • Install the MySQL driver by running the command bwinstall mysql-driver from the /bin folder.
  • Ensure you have installed EMS client libraries. For more information, see the "Integrating with TIBCO Enterprise Message Service™" section in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Installation guide for additional details.
  • Optional. If you are upgrading to ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ 6.3.2, or later versions of the software, upgrade the database schema. For more information, see the "Updating the Database Schema to Enable bwagent to Use Database with TIBCO Enterprise Message Service" section in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Installation guide.


  1. Create a database bwadmindb and grant privileges to the default database owner root as described in the following steps:
    1. Run the following command on the MySQL terminal:
      For MySQL 5.x
      mysql>create database bwadmindb;
      For MySQL 8.x
    2. Run the following command to view the tables included in the newly created database:
      mysql>use bwadmindb;
    3. Run the following command to grant all privileges to the root user for that database after replacing the value for the host IP address:
      To grant the minimum amount of permissions to the bwuser for that database, run the following command, where <host_IP> is replaced with the value for the host IP address:
      grant create,select,update,insert,delete ON *.* to 'bwuser'@<host_IP> IDENTIFIED BY 'bwuser'; 
  2. Stop the bwagent if it is running.
  3. Open the bwagent_db.json file located in BW_HOME\config (Windows) or ${BW_HOME}/config (Unix).
  4. Update the following properties for your environment:
    Property Name MySQL Value
    dbtype mysql
    dbdriver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    dbconnectionurl jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/bwadmindb?useSSL=false
    dbuser bwuser
    dbpassword bwuser
  5. Run the bwadmin config command with the -cf option to create an .ini file in the correct location.
    BW_HOME\bin>bwadmin config -cf ../config/bwagent_db.json agent
  6. Restart the bwagent.