Parse Palette Error Codes
This section describes the error messages that can be reported by the activities or entities associated with the Parse palette.
Error Codes | Error Message | Error Resolution |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-000001 | {0} | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-100001 | {0} | This is a trace message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-200001 | {0} | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-300001 | {0} | This is an informational message and it highlights the runtime progress of the activity. Resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-400001 | {0} | This is a warning message and it highlights situations that may affect the activity execution. |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-500000 | Cannot find data format schema resource [{0}] | Check if Data format shared resource is configured. |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-500001 | Cannot create schema from data format schema. | Check if the schema is valid. |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-500002 | Exception in parse eval: [{0}] | An error occurred while processing, refer to the exception thrown and correct the activity configuration or input. |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-500003 | Line length must be > 0 | Check if line length is greater than zero. |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-500004 | Hit EOF on row [{0}] field [{1}] spanning columns [{2}] to [{3}] .... last row contents was: [{4}] | Check the configuration of number of records in input of Parse Data activity. It may be more than the records present in the file. |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-500005 | Input type is not specified. | Check configuration of Input type on Parse Data activity. Ensure either File or String is configured. |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-500006 | Please specify the Input type field. | Check configuration of Input type on Parse Data activity. Ensure either File or String is configured. |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-500007 | Data format resource not specified. | Check if Data format shared resource is configured on the activity. |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-500008 | Specify the data format resource. | Check if Data format shared resource is configured on the activity. |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-500009 | File [{0}] cannot be opened using encoding method [{1}] | Check the encoding configruation on Parse Data activity. Ensure encoding supported by file is selected. |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-500011 | Format Type must be selected. | Ensure that Format type is configured on Data Format shared resource. |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-500012 | Line is too long. Specified Line Delimiter may not match file content. | Check field offsets configuration on Data Format shared resource. |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-500013 | There are not enough data for the number of required fields in a row. | Check field offsets configuration on Data Format shared resource. |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-500014 | Error while parsing headers in the mime message. | Ensure that the input message has MIME headers. |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-500015 | An I/O exception occurred while parsing SOAP payload in the root part. | Ensure that the SOAP payload is well formed and valid. |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-5000016 | An Unexpected exception occurred while parsing Message. Root cause is [{0}] | UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION.resolution =This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-500017 | The SOAP Message doesn't exist in the Root part. | Ensure that the input message has SOAP payload in it. |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-500018 | Soap Envelope has invalid XML content. | Ensure that the SOAP payload is valid and well formed. |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-500019 | One or more mime parts have same Content-Id value in the Mime Message. | Ensure that in input message does not have same content id for different mime parts. |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-500020 | The xop:Include element must have an 'href' attribute. | Ensure that in the SOAP payload, the xop:Include element has href attribute. |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-500021 | Content_Id header is not found in mime part of the Mime Message. | Ensure that the each mime part has content-id header and corresponding value. |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-500022 | Invalid Content Type Field in the Mime Message. | Ensure that media type starts with 'multipart'. |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-500023 | Boundary attribute not found in the Mime Message. | Ensure that the 'boundary' attribute is not missing in the mime header. |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-500024 | startinfo parameter is missing in the Mime Message. | Ensure that 'startinfo' attribute is present in the mime header. |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-500025 | startinfo parameter is not starting with 'application/soap+xml' in the Mime Message. | Ensure that startinfo attribute has 'application/soap+xml' as value. |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-500026 | Content Type header is not found in the Mime Message. | Ensure that the mime message has 'content-type' header. |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-500027 | Media type of root part is not 'application/xop+xml' in the Mime Message. | Ensure that the root part's media type is 'application/xop+xml' |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-500028 | 'type' parameter is not present in root part of the Mime Message. | Ensure that the root part has 'type' parameter. |
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-PARSE-500029 | startInfo parameter and type parameter, of root part, does not match in the Mime Message. | Ensure that the value of startInfo parameter and type parameter is same in the root part of the Mime Message. |
LENGTH=Line length [{0}] is less than max Field Offset [{1}]ERROR_LINE_LESS_THAN_MAX_ LENGTH.errorCode=500030 ERROR_LINE_LESS_THAN_MAX_ LENGTH.resolution |
Ensure that Line length is not less than max Field Offset. |
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