Using SOAP UnBound Headers
SOAP Unbound headers can pass any Out-of-Band data or control information in the SOAP envelope. In this sample a simple getBook operation based on the specified interface WSDL file is implemented showing the use of SOAP Unbound Headers.
The expected outcome for the file identified in the OUTPUT_FILE property is:
Expected captchaID : CID007
Received captchaID : CID007
Understanding the Configuration
This sample shows the use of SOAP unbound headers on service and reference.
The service exposes a login method that accepts a username and password, and expects a captcha string to be passed using SOAP unbound headers. Verification of the received username and password returns a captchaID to caller.
The ClientProcess sends a username and password as part of request message and sends the captcha string using headers.
The ServerProcess receives the username and password and, on successful verification of credentials, returns a captchaID as part of the headers and returns a Boolean indicating login success or failure.