Adding Custom Icons

You can set a custom icon of size 48 pixel by 48 pixel to activities in a process. The icon image file must be of type .png, .jpg, or .jpeg and the file size must be less than 512 KB.

The following steps are shown for the Call Process activity. Perform the same steps to set a custom icon for the Java Invoke activity.


  1. Select the Call Process activity in a process.
  2. Provide a Custom Icon path on the General tab of the activity.
    You can either provide a custom path from your file system or path of the icon file present within a workspace.

    For more information, see "Call Process" and "Java Invoke" in TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Bindings and Palettes Reference.

  3. Save the process.
    The custom icon is set to the Call Process activity. The custom icon path is also changed to the path as per your process module location in the following form:
    <Module Name>\Resources\icons\<Icon File Name>

    The image is listed in the Project Explorer view. The new icon is also reflected in the Outline view.

    The custom icon added in the process is also visible on the Admin UI.