Configuring bwagent for MySQL and TIBCO FTL®

The bwagent can be configured to use MySQL Server database with TIBCO FTL for transport.

Note: Use of TIBCO FTL with TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ for configuring bwagent and for configuring group provider for engine does not require TIBCO FTL licenses.
Note: The database name must be unique per agent network if multiple networks share the same physical database. bwagent and bwengine supports sharing the same database, users and schemas.


  • Install and configure TIBCO FTL on the same machine that you have installed ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ 6.x on. For more information, see the "Setting Up TIBCO FTL® for bwagent Transport" topic in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Installation guide.
    Important: For the version of TIBCO FTL that is supported with the version of ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ 6.x, see the ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ readme.
  • Download the MySQL server package MySql_server_5.5.40 from and install MySQL. Configure the server configuration by following the prompts in the MySQL Server Configuration wizard. Ensure that you select the following values:
    • Database: Multifunctional
    • Type of connectivity: Manual
    • Default port: 3306
  • Download the following JDBC driver and connector JAR files for MySQL to the BW_HOME\config\drivers\shells\jdbc.mysql.runtime\runtime\plugins\\lib folder:
  • Install the MySQL driver by running the command bwinstall mysql-driver from the /bin folder.

After installing MySQL Server, create a database bwadmindb and grant privileges to the default database owner root as described in the following steps:


  1. Create a database bwadmindb and grant privileges to the default database owner root as described in the following steps:
    1. Run the following command on the MySQL terminal:
      For MySQL 5.x
      mysql>create database bwadmindb;
      For MySQL 8.x
    2. Run the following command to view the tables included in the newly created database:
      mysql>use bwadmindb;
    3. Run the following command to grant all privileges to the root user for that database after replacing the value for the host IP address:
      To grant the minimum amount of permissions to the bwuser for that database, run the following command, where <host_IP> is replaced with the value for the host IP address:
      grant create,select,update,insert,delete ON *.* to 'bwuser'@<host_IP> IDENTIFIED BY 'bwuser'; 
  2. Stop the bwagent if it is running.
  3. Open the bwagent_ftl.json file located in BW_HOME\config (Windows) or ${BW_HOME}/config (Unix).
  4. Update the following properties for your environment:
    Property Name MySQL Value
    dbtype mysql
    dbdriver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    dbconnectionurl jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/bwadmindb?useSSL=false
    dbuser bwuser
    dbpassword bwuser
  5. Run the bwadmin config command with the -cf option push the changes from the JSON file to the bwagent.ini file.
    BW_HOME\bin>bwadmin config -cf ../config/bwagent_ftl.json agent
  6. Restart the bwagent.