Adding Scope Variables

A scope variable saves the state within the scope.

To add scope variables, select the scope in the Process Editor and then select the Variables tab on the Properties view.

Adding a Complex Type Variable

Click the icon Add complex type Variable and select an existing schema or create a new schema to be added from the Select Schema Element Declaration dialog box.

Select Schema Element Declaration
Field/Action Description
Workspace When selected, the variable is valid only during the design-time.
Current and Dependent Modules When selected, the variable is valid for the current module and the modules that are dependent on it.
Current Module When selected, the variable is restricted to the current module.
Display all XSD Elements Select the check box to display all the XSD elements in the module. This check box is selected by default.
Include Process Inline Schemas Select the check box to display the process inline schemas in the module.
Include WSDL Inline Schemas Select the check box to display the WSDL inline schemas in the module.

If you chose an existing schema, click OK to select it. If you choose to create a new schema, click Create New Schema to create a new XML schema.

Create XML Schema
Field/Action Description
Resource Name Specify a name for the new schema.
Workspace Location Specify a location to store the new schema. The wizard displays the default location for the particular module. You can choose to keep the default or browse to select a different location.
Choose a Root Element Add a primitive element to the new schema using the icon Add Primitive Element .

The new primitive element appears listed under the root element. Double-click the element to configure it.

Primitive Types Select the primitive type for the element from the drop-down list:
  • String
  • Integer
  • Decimal
  • Boolean
  • Date & Time
  • Binary
  • URI
  • Any
Subtypes Select the subtypes for the element from the drop-down list:
  • String
  • Normalized String
  • Token
  • Language
  • Name
  • NC-Name
  • Q-Name
  • Name Token
  • Name Tokens
  • ID
  • ID ref
  • ID refs
  • Entity
  • Entities
Number of references to this resource Displays the number of references to this resource.
Initiate Element Rename Refactoring Use to rename the schema element. You can choose to preview and update all references to the element.
Accept Changes Accept the changes entered for the new schema element.
Cancel Changes Cancel the changes accepted for the new schema element.
Remove Selected Element Any of the elements added to the schema can be deleted using this option.
Click OK when you are done editing the XML schema.

Adding a Simple Type Variable

Add a simple variable by clicking the icon Add simple type Variable. Select the variable type from the drop-down list and specify a default value.
Variable Type Default Value
String None.
Integer 1
Decimal 1
Boolean true (You can select false from the drop-down list.)
Date & Time None. Enter a date and time.
XSD Element To select an XSD element, follow the instructions provided in Adding Scope Variables