The status of AppNode or AppInstance is not shown correctly.
Use the
Refresh Agent button.
- On Agent's page on Admin UI.
In case of domain specific status update, status of all AppNodes and AppInstances within that domain is updated.
In case of non-domain agent page, status of all AppNodes and AppInstances running on that agent is updated.
- From Admin CLI with the following command:
BW_HOME\bin>bwadmin refresh
The specified runtime entity could not be created as it contains invalid characters or contains over 100 characters.
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-CLI-500501: Name contains invalid characters and does not comply with naming conventions. Valid characters are upper and lower case characters of the alphabet as well as digits, '.' and '-'.
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-CLI-500502: Name length exceeds 100 characters and it will be truncated to satisfy the length limit
Create the runtime entity with valid characters:
- A-Z
- a-z
- 0-9
- - (hyphen)
- _ (underscore)
Illegal characters are stripped from the name.
The maximum length of a runtime entity name is 100 characters. If the maximum length is exceeded, the entity name is shortened to 100 characters.
The specified domain could not be created; it already exists.
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-CLI-500102: Failed to create Domain [Domain], TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-500101: Domain [Domain] already exists, check this and re-try.
The specified domain already exists. Domain names must be unique; enter a different name. To view existing domains, use the
show domains command.
The specified command could not be completed; the domain home folder specified could not be found.
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-CLI-500103: Domain home folder [Path] does not exist. Verify if the folder is present and use forward slash in the folder path.
Check that the
BW_HOME\domains folder exists. If it does exist, make sure forward slashes are specified (both Windows and Unix).
The specified domain could not be deleted.
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-CLI-500104: Failed to delete Domain [Domain],
The specified domain may have AppSpaces associated with it. If this is the case, the following message is displayed:
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-500109: The Domain [Domain] has AppSpaces associated with it. Use -force option to override
Use the
-force option with the
delete command to delete the domain and all contained runtime entities.
The minimum number of AppNodes for an AppSpace has to be at least 1.
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-CLI-500218: The minNodes configuration value for an AppSpace has to be at least 1.
minNodes value for an AppSpace has to be set to an integer value greater than 0. To create an AppSpace with 1 AppNode, the
minNodes option is not required.
The minimum number of AppNodes is invalid. It has to be an integer value greater than 0.
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-CLI-500219: The minNodes configuration argument is invalid. Valid argument are Integer values greater than 0.
minNodes value for an AppSpace has to be set to an integer value greater than 0.
The AppSpace could not be found in the specified domain.
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-CLI-500201: AppSpace [AppSpace] not found in Domain [Domain]
The specified AppSpace does not exist in the specified domain. Check the value for typos. Use the
show appspaces command with the
-domain option to view AppSpaces in the domain.
The specified AppSpace in the specified domain could not be created; it already exists.
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-CLI-500203: Failed to create AppSpace [AppSpace] in Domain [Domain]. TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-500202: The AppSpace [AppSpace] is already present in the Domain [Domain].
The specified AppSpace has already been created. Use the
show appspaces command with the
-domain option to view AppSpaces in the domain.
The specified AppSpace already exists for the specified bwagent.
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-CLI-500204: AppSpace [AppSpace] already exists with BW Agent [bwagent]
The specified AppSpace has already been expanded to the specified bwagent.
The specified AppSpace in the specified domain could not be started.
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-CLI-500210: AppSpace [AppSpace] in Domain [Domain] could not be started,
The specified AppSpace may not have associated AppNodes or it might be on a bwagent that is not reachable.
The following message is displayed if there are no contained AppNodes:
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-500210: AppSpace [AppSpace] in Domain [Domain] did not start completely, status is Degraded.
An AppSpace can only be started if it contains at least one AppNode. Use the
show appnodes command with the
-appspace and
-domain options to check for AppNodes.
If no AppNodes exist, create at least one and try to start the AppSpace again. If the minimum number of AppNodes was specified when the AppSpace was created, that minimum number of AppNodes must exist.
A message similar to the following will be displayed if the AppSpace is on an unreachable bwagent:
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-500210: AppSpace [AppSpace] in Domain [Domain] did not start completely, status is Stopped.
The machine might be down or the bwagent might not be running.
The specified AppSpace in the specified domain could not be deleted.
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-CLI-500205: Failed to delete AppSpace [AppSpace] from Domain [Domain],
The specified AppSpace may have AppNodes associated with it or it may be scaled across bwagents.
If it has associated AppNodes, the following message is displayed:
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-500216: AppSpace [AppSpace] has AppNodes associated with it. Delete the AppNodes first and re-try or use the
-force option to override.
If the AppSpace is scaled across machines, the following message is displayed:
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-500220: AppSpace [AppSpace] is scaled across multiple BW Agents. Cannot be deleted. Use -force option to override.
In both cases, either delete the contained AppNodes or use the
-force option with the
delete command to delete the AppSpace and all contained runtime entities.
When creating an AppNode, the HTTP Port value is required.
httpPort is a mandatory argument for creating an AppNode.
Create the AppNode again with the
-httpPort option. The port must be unique for each AppNode on the machine.
The specified AppNode in the specified AppSpace and domain could not be created; it already exists.
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-CLI-500302: Failed to create AppNode [AppNode] in AppSpace [AppSpace] in Domain [Domain], TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-500301: The AppNode [AppNode] already exists in the AppSpace [AppSpace] Domain [Domain].
The specified AppNode has already been created. Use the
show appnodes command with the
-appspace and
-domain options to view AppNodes.
The specified AppNode in the specified AppSpace and domain could not be started.
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-CLI-500304: AppNode [AppNode] in Domain [Domain] did not start,
The specified AppNode may not exist. In this case, the following error is displayed:
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-500300: The AppNode [AppNode] does not exist in AppSpace [AppSpace] and Domain [Domain].
If the bwagent is in a network, the AppSpace might be on a bwagent that is not reachable. The machine might be down or the bwagent might not be running. In this case, the following error is displayed:
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-500004: Error invoking [startappnode] method on the agent [agent], The BW Agent [agent] on the remote machine is not running.
Start the bwagent on the remote machine and start the AppNode again.
The specified AppNode in the specified AppSpace and domain could not be deleted.
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-CLI-500306: Failed to delete AppNode [AppNode] in AppSpace [AppSpace] in Domain [Domain]
The specified AppNode may be running. If this is the case, the following message is displayed:
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-500314: The AppNode [AppNode] is still in [Running] state. Please stop the AppNode first or use the -force option.
Stop the AppNode and delete it or use the
-force option with the
delete command.
If the bwagent is in a network, the AppNode might be on a bwagent that is not reachable. The machine might be down or the bwagent might not be running. In this case, the following error is displayed:
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-500306: Failed to delete AppNode [AppNode] in AppSpace [AppSpace] in Domain [Domain], The BW Agent [agent] on the remote machine is not running.
When the AppNode is started, the specified HTTP port cannot be allocated.
TIBCO-THOR-FRWK-500300: Eclipse Jetty server bundle has reported an error that it cannot allocate the HTTP management port [port]. Shutting down the AppNode.
An AppNode (or a JVM) is already running with the specified port. Stop that AppNode or process and restart the AppNode.
The OSGi console could not be enabled on the specified AppNode.
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-CLI-500314: Failed to enable console on AppNode [AppNode] in AppSpace [AppSpace] in Domain [Domain],
The OSGi console could not be enabled for the specified AppNode. The AppNode is not running or is not reachable. In this case, the following additional message is displayed:
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-500309: Failed to enable console on AppNode [AppNode] in AppSpace [AppSpace] in Domain [Domain]
Make sure the AppNode is running and try again.
The OSGi console could not be disabled on the specified AppNode.
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-CLI-500315: Failed to disable console on AppNode [AppNode] in AppSpace [AppSpace] in Domain [Domain],
The OSGi console could not be disabled for the specified AppNode. The AppNode is not running or is not reachable. In this case, the following additional message is displayed:
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-500310: Failed to disable console on AppNode [AppNode] in AppSpace [AppSpace] in Domain [Domain]
Make sure the AppNode is running and try again.
The debug port on the AppNode could not be enabled.
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-CLI-500440: Failed to enable debug port on AppNode[AppNode] in [AppSpace] in Domain[Domain],
The debug port on the AppNode could not be enabled. The AppNode is not running or is not reachable. In this case, the following additional message is displayed:
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-500313: AppNode [AppNode] is not running or could not be contacted.
Make sure the AppNode is running and try again.
The debug port on the AppNode could not be disabled.
TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-CLI-500317: Failed to disable debugger on AppNode[AppNode] in [AppSpace] in Domain[Domain],
The debug port on the AppNode could not be disabled. The AppNode is not running or is not reachable.
Make sure the AppNode is running and try again.