Viewing Running Applications

Use the bwadmin show command to verify a running application, or view the application in the Admin UI.

bwadmin Command Line

Execute the show command to see application and configuration status.

BW_HOME\bin>bwadmin show -domain MyDomain -appspace MyAppSpace applications

To view status of any specific application instance, use the following command:

BW_HOME\bin>bwadmin show -domain MyDomain -appspace MyAppSpace -n MyAppNode applications

Admin UI

View the application's status on the Application page. (To open this page, drill into the application from the Applications page.) The Admin UI displays the following information:

  • Total number of application instances, the minimum number of instances (AppNodes), and running number of instances.
  • Application version.
  • AppSpace
  • Number of created jobs, running jobs, and faulted jobs.
  • The applied profile.
  • The deployment state.
  • The REST Doc URL for applications using REST services. Click the link to open the REST UI page where you can test out operations. (The application must be running.)
  • The application description.