Exporting a Shared Module as a Binary Shared Module

You can create a binary shared module from a shared module. However, you cannot convert a binary shared module to a regular shared module.

To export a shared module as a binary shared module, begin by implementing the process you want to share. The process must have a descriptive name and a description. Next, test the process by calling it from a test application. Once satisfied, you create a zip archive file for the project which contains the process and distribute that zip using a mechanism such as email, FTP, or a web page, that is external to TIBCO Business Studio for BusinessWorks.
Tip: Back up the shared module by exporting the project as an archive file. To do this, select Export > Studio Projects to Archives.

TIBCO Business Studio for BusinessWorks

To export a shared module as a binary shared module from TIBCO Business Studio for BusinessWorks, follow these steps.


  1. In Project Explorer, right-click the shared module folder, and choose one of the following options to begin exporting the shared module as a binary shared module:
    • Select Export > Export. In the Export dialog, expand the General node, select Binary Shared Modules to Archive, and click Next.
    • Select Export > Binary Shared Modules to Archive.

  2. Select the check box of the shared module to convert to a binary shared module.
  3. In the To Archive File field, navigate to the folder where you want it created and enter a name for the binary shared module you want to create and click Save.
  4. Click Finish in the Export Project dialog.


The shared module is exported as a binary shared module.
To confirm the shared module was successfully exported as a binary shared module, import the binary shared module into a new workspace, and expand the project. All application folders and details, with the exception of the folders under the Module Descriptors folder, are hidden. Optionally, check the MANIFEST.MF file, and confirm the TIBCO-BW-SharedModuleType header is set as follows:
TIBCO-BW-SharedModuleType: binary


To export a shared module as a binary shared module from the command line, follow these steps:


  • Start the bwdesign utility. To do this, follow these steps:
    1. Open a terminal and navigate to BW_HOME\bin.
    2. Type bwdesign -data <TIBCO_BusinessStudio_workspace_absolutePath>. For example, bwdesign -data C:\myWorkspace.
  • Back up the shared module by exporting the project as a zip or EAR file. To do this, type -export [options] [projects] -path

Type export -binary <shared_module>.

For example, export -binary shared_petstore.

Optionally, type export -bin <shared_module>.

For more details about the -binary and -bin commands, type export --help.


The shared module is exported as a binary shared module.
To confirm the shared module was exported as binary shared module, import the binary shared module into a new workspace by typing bwdesign -data <TIBCO_BusinessStudio_workspace_absolutePath>. After doing this, expand the project in the Project Explorer to verify that all application folders and details, with the exception of the folders under the Module Descriptors folder, are hidden. Optionally, check the MANIFEST.MF file, and confirm the TIBCO-BW-SharedModuleType header is set as follows:
TIBCO-BW-SharedModuleType: binary