Enabling and Disabling Process Statistics

Process statistics can be enabled and disabled from the command line or from the Admin UI.

Command Line

Enable or disable the collection of process statistics for all applications in an AppNode by using the enablestats and disablestats commands respectively.
Note: To view command syntax, use the help option on the bwadmin console. For example, enter help enablestats or help disablestats to view the syntax for the enablestats command or the disablestats command.

To enable collection of statistical data for all processes running in an AppNode at the time of an application startup, set the bw.frwk.event.subscriber.instrumentation.enabled property to TRUE in the AppSpace config.ini file.

If you set the property to FALSE the process instrumentation statistics is disabled at the time of an application startup.

If the property is not set, the previous state of the process instrumentation persists.

  • Enable Process Statistics
    • To enable process statistics for all applications on a single AppNode, execute the following command:
      enablestats -d defaultdomain -a MyAppSpace -n MyAppNode process
    • To enable process statistics for a single application on an AppNode, execute the enablestats command, and specify the application name and version. In the following example, the application testApp and version 1.0 are provided in the command syntax:
      enablestats -d defaultdomain -a MyAppSpace process testApp 1.0
  • Disable Process Statistics
    • To disable process statistics for all applications on a single AppNode, execute the following command:
      disablestats -d defaultdomain -a MyAppSpace -n MyAppNode process
    • To disable process statistics for a single application on an AppNode, execute the disablestats command, and specify the application name and version. In the following example, the application testApp and version 1.0 are provided in the command syntax:
      disablestats -d defaultdomain -a MyAppSpace process testApp 1.0

Admin UI

Application statistics collection can be enabled or disabled from the Admin UI by setting the following properties.
Property Description
Process Instrumentation Click ON to enable process instrumentation data collection.

To enable data collection of an application that is running on multiple Appnodes, click on the Application tab, and enable the Process Instrumentation property. Process instrumentation statistics will be collected for all application instances.

To enable data collection of all applications running on an AppNode, click on the AppNodes tab, and enable the Process Instrumentation property. Process instrumentation statistics will be collected for all applications running on the specified AppNode.

Process Monitor Click ON to enable process monitoring to view the process instances.

To enable process monitoring of an application that is running on multiple Appnodes, click on the Application level 2 page, and click the Process Monitor button. Process monitoring will be enabled for all application instances.

To enable process monitoring of all applications running on an AppNode, click on the AppNodes tab and click the Process Monitor button. Process monitoring will be enabled for all applications running on the specified AppNode.