Configuring with CSV
You can now get activity and process statistics in .csv files.
- Set the property bw.monitor.provider=csv in the AppNode.config file
Set the property
statsprovider: to
true in
bwagent_db.json and
bwagent_ftl.json files. By default, the property value is false.
The generated .csv file does not contain input and output data. It contains limited data set as follows:
processstats.csv contains the following information:
- Application Name
- Application Version
- Module Name
- Module Version
- Component Process Name
- JobId
- Parent Process Name
- ParentProcessInstanceId
- Process Name
- ProcessInstanceId
- Start Time (Milliseconds)
- End Time (Milliseconds)
- Elapsed Time (Milliseconds)
- Evaluation Time (Milliseconds)
- Status
activitystats.csv contains the following information:
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