Message Line Format

Messages that are produced when Substation ES interfaces to CICS or messages that originate from within CICS have a specific format. The format ID (FMT Id) of those messages is 3. The actual ID3 value is on a line together with other CICS reference information.

You can set the format level of the Substation ES output messages to 2 or higher to receive these entries.

The layout of the ID3 formatted line is as follows:

ID3: call-type RC RSN Intf-Id resource

The items on this line are as follows:
A four-digit number that denotes the EXCI function that was performed. For details on the functions, see the CICS External Interfaces Guide. The valid values are as follows:
  • 1: Initialize User
  • 2: Allocate Pipe
  • 3: Open Pipe
  • 4: Close Pipe
  • 5: Deallocate Pipe
  • 6: DPL request
The return code of the EXCI function that was performed. For details, see the part on response and reason codes in the External CICS Interface section of the CICS External Interfaces Guide.
The reason code of the EXCI function that was performed. For details, see the part on response and reason codes in the External CICS Interface section of the CICS External Interfaces Guide.
The Substation ES interface name that produced the error.
The CICS resource that was being called or in use at the time of the error. Normally, this resource refers to a Netname (as described in Substation ES CICS SIP) or a program name that was executed by the EXCI call.