Recipe Service Example

The following ones are examples of a Recipe service set up to use Substation ES system fields as property fields for inbound and outbound message.

SXTP05PR ---------- EMS Properties (Recipe) ------ Row 1 to 11 of 15
Command ===>                                                  Scroll ==> CSR
        Output Buffer Id: <None>
         Input Buffer Id: <None>
Property Name        B/E/V Req Value (100 char)
-------------------- ----- --- ---------------------------------------------
tibss-BES              V    Y  $$SYSTEM

tibss-service-id       V    Y  $$SYSTEM
tibss-ss-id            V    Y  $$SYSTEM
----------------- EMS Properties (Recipe) -------- Row 1 to 11 of 15
Command ===>                                                    Scroll ==> CSR
        Output Buffer Id: BUF-IO-BF01
         Input Buffer Id: BUF-IO-BF01
Property Name        B/E/V Req Value (100 char)
-------------------- ----- --- ---------------------------------------------
jmsmessageid           E    _  IVP-DESCR

tibss-resource         E    _   $$SYSTEM

tibss-service-id       V    _   $$SYSTEM