The following list shows the general format of a message issued by Substation ES.
AAA I nnn S: message text, follow on codes, originating module, and so forth.
The parts of the format are as follows:
It is the product code; it identifies the part of Substation ES from which the message originates. The values are as follows:
Substation ES messages that originate from the Administration and Operations interface.
Substation ES messages that originate from the TCP interface.
Substation ES messages that originate from within CICS.
Substation ES general messages. Refer to the I interface value to determine which interface and which routines were possibly responsible for issuing the message.
Substation ES message that originates from IMS interface.
Substation ES TIBCO Enterprise Message Service messages.
Messages that originate from LTA Agents.
Substation ES Rendezvous messages.
Substation ES messages that are issued during subtask cross communication or transactional facilities.
Substation ES Transformer messages issued by the Transformer interface.
Substation ES messages that originate from the RED interface.
A one-digit number in the range of 1 through 9, identifies major functions within Substation ES.
It is a three-digit number in the range 1 through 999.
It is the message severity code that is separated from the message text by blanks. The severity code defines the importance of the message. The values are as follows:
Action. These messages tell you that action by you is required.
Error. These messages tell you that something has gone wrong. Action by you is probably required.
Fatal error. These messages normally tell you that the system or a critical part of the system is no longer operational. Recovery is possible. Determine the problem by inquiring on the message received and also errors or warning messages issued previously, located in the Log output file. Notify TIBCO Support.
Informational. These types of messages are usually advisories or a reply to a request performed by Substation ES users. Action by you is usually not required.
S / C
Severe error. These messages tell you that something has gone seriously wrong. Action by you is required, probably with help from your system support personnel.
Unrecoverable error. These messages tell you that a problem outside your control has occurred in Substation ES or in one of its interfaces. Substation ES is probably terminated and requires restart. For help with this condition, contact your system support personnel and notify TIBCO Support.
Warning. These messages draw your attention to a problem or potential problem. Action by you might be required.