IMS OTMA Exits (Optional)
An IMS OTMA exit consists of the Pre-routing exit routine and the Destination Resolution exit routine.
The preferred method of defining OTMA destinations is through the DFSYDTx Descriptor (D) control card. The previous method of using IMS OTMA exits on the M control card can still be used, however, it is not recommended that you use this method from IMS 10 and above. Those exits, supplied by IBM, are as follows:
- OTMA Prerouting exit routine (DFSYPRX0)
You can use the OTMA Prerouting exit routine to determine and change the destination of IMS OTMA output messages. The messages can be routed to an OTMA client or to IMS TM for processing, but this exit routine cannot determine the final destination for the message.
- OTMA Destination Resolution exit routine (DFSYDRU0)
You can use the OTMA Destination Resolution exit routine to determine and change the final destination of IMS OTMA output messages. A Substation ES IMS interface sample exit (DFSYDRUS) is provided for use with the sample Substation ES Installation Verification Programs (IVPs).
For more information, see IMS Exit Routines.