Adding Substation ES Instances to a Single CICS Region

You can configure multiple Substation ES instances that communicate to a single CICS region.

To share one ESB configuration file with multiple instances of Substation ES, distinguish between recipes or triggers definitions for the Substation ES instances with groups. For details, see Defining Groups.

The current version of Substation ES supports up to five Substation ES instances connected to a single CICS region.

For each Substation ES instance, perform the following steps:


  1. Create a copy of the Substation ES SIP for CICS interface member USERHLQ.INTF(SXCINTF). In the new member specify a new INTF-ID keyword value.
  2. Create a copy of Substation ES SIP ESB interface member USERHLQ.INTF(SXSIEMS1 or SXSIRV1).
    Make parameter changes that are necessary.
  3. Optional: Create a copy of the Substation ES SIP for the Admin interface member USERHLQ.INTF(SXSIADM). In the new member, specify the corresponding ESB INTF-ID from Step 2 to the new ESB-INTF-ID keyword value.
    This step is required only if Substation ES Heartbeat communications is used.
  4. Create a new copy of the Substation ES system initialization parameters SIP member USERHLQ.INTF(SXSSIP$1).
  5. Change the INTF-MEMBER entries in the Substation ES SIP member for each of the newly created CICS and ESB and Admin Interface member names.
  6. Change the Substation ID in the Substation ES SIP.
    Note: Each active Substation ES must have a unique Substation ID.

    The number of HVT workers for Reliable and Guaranteed must be the same in all Substation ES definitions going to the same CICS.

  7. Create a new copy of the Substation ES system startup parameters (SSP) member USERHLQ.INTF(SXSSSP$1).
  8. Change the SIPMEM keyword value and point it to the newly created SXSSIP$1 member.
  9. In the Substation ES startup JCL or Procedure, change the PARM card value to point to the newly created Substation ES SSP member, for example: '-SSPMEM NEWSSP$1'