CICS Interface Parameters
The CICS Interface member specifies the parameters for the CICS transaction processing system. The interface member template is stored in the SXCINTF file.
If you make a copy of this member, you can point to it by specifying the member name on the INTF-MEMBER keyword in the main SIP definition member.
Parameter | Description |
APPLID = {DBDCCICS | identifier} | CICS has a specific identifier and a generic application identifier. If it requires a generic application identifier, Substation ES uses
EXCI for connectivity.
EXCI uses a special form of IRC that uses the generic application identifier specification.
See the description of the APPLID parameter in the CICS System Definition Guide. Be sure to specify the correct value. |
D-NODENAME = {SXCSSDPL | name} | The D-NODENAME parameter defines the node name on the CICS Connection resource for the Substation ES DPL services. By default, the resource definitions are supplied on the product installation media. The default name is SXCSSDPL. |
DESCR = {description} | See DESCR = {description}. |
DPL-CONNECT parameter specifies
GENERIC DPL connections. The default installation implementation is
SPECIFIC, which is easier to install and manage.
Set the value to GENERIC only if you want more than 99 sessions on a connection or if you must share connections with other applications. |
INTF-ID = {name} | The INTF-ID parameter specifies the interface identifier, which is the internal interface name for Substation ES. |
INTF-PARTNER = {identifier} | The INTF-PARTNER parameter specifies the Substation ES ESB receiver or interface that performs translations. Currently, this value is set to ESB01. |
INTF-TYPE = {number} | See INTF-TYPE = {number}. |
MODULE-NAME = {TIBSSCIC | name} | The MODULE-NAME parameter specifies the name of the CICS Interface load module. |
RR-ACTIVE = {N | Yes, No} | The
RR-ACTIVE parameter specifies whether the CICS initiated Request or Reply facility resources must be activated by Substation ES. If you set this parameter to
Yes, Substation ES initiates the subtasks, allocates and initializes CICS storage, and activates the functions required to handle the processes for the facility.
If the CICS Initiated Request or Reply facility is not used, it is recommended that you set this parameter to No. For more information about this facility, see the TIBCO Substation ES Configuration and Resources manual. |
RR-MAXSIZE = {8000 | number} | The
RR-MAXSIZE parameter specifies the maximum allowable size for outbound data requested by Substation ES from the messages that are written to the trigger TDQ.
If a message with a larger size of data is written to the trigger TDQ , the message is truncated to the size the same as the specified value. This value, which must correspond to—and must not exceed—the value for the IOAREALEN parameter in Substation ES, provides the resource definition for trigger sessions (SXCOST01). If you do not specify a keyword and value, the default value of 16000 applies. |
START-YN = {N | Yes, No} | See START-YN = {Yes, No}. |
TRIG-GDQ = {N | Yes, No} | The TRIG-GDQ parameter specifies whether trigger events are activated for guaranteed outbound messages. Y means that they are activated; N, not activated. |
TRIG-ORD = {N | Yes, No} | The TRIG-ORD parameter specifies whether Ordered Delivery trigger events are activated for outbound messages. Y means that they are activated; N, not activated. |
TRIG-RDQ = {N | Yes, No} | The TRIG-RDQ parameter specifies whether trigger events are activated for reliable outbound messages. Y means that they are activated; N, not activated. |
USERID = {name} | The
USERID parameter specifies the default user identifier with which CICS Interface establishes connection and initializes Substation ES components in the CICS region.
This user ID is only used on administrative and trigger calls into the specific CICS region. For Service Recipe calls, the USERID parameter is never set by default and must be present either on the payload or in the messages properties for it to be passed through on the CICS invocation. |
- CICS-Specific Parameters
The CICS-specific Parameters table lists the specific and advanced parameters for Substation ES CICS. Change these parameters only if you are knowledgeable about the system or if you are assisted by a Substation ES representative.