Endpoint Configuration for EMS ESB

When you use the FastPath process with a trigger service, consider the following requirements based if the endpoint is EMS ESB.

  1. Modify Output Dest Type as needed.
  2. Modify the Output Message properties as needed:
    1. Modify Priority as needed.
    2. Modify Expiration as needed.
    3. Modify Message Type as needed.
      • B(ytes): send as a bytes message with user data from BES buffer. The size is determined by the User Data Length.
      • T(ext): sends a text message with the buffer data. The TEXT message ends with null-terminator.
      • S(tream): sends a stream message with user data from BES buffer. The size is determined by the User Data Length.
      • M(ap): sends a MAP message using data from BES buffer in one field named DATA. The size is determined by the User Data Length.
  • The PROP field is not supported with FastPath, and should not be used.
  • The EMS ESB does not support the use of the Publish To Len (Dyn) field with FastPath.

Definition Rules

When using the FastPath process with a trigger service, consider the following requirements based if you are using an EMS ESB.

Note: The CICS Request/Reply (REQR) can deploy a FastPath Trigger for both EMS and Rendezvous ESBs. The REQR process automatically adds a tibss-envelope field to the message when FastPath is configured.
In order to use FastPath to process a trigger that is configured with an EMS endpoint, the ESB and trigger definitions must meet the following requirements:
  • The ESB SIP member must have EMS-USE-PROP set to Y.
  • The trigger definition must use Output Method 2 or 3 only.
  • The trigger definition must not include settings for these fields:
    • Conversion Rule
    • Publish To, Sec
    • Reply To
    • Publish To Len (Dyn)
    • Compression
    • Preserve
    • No Body Trace