Log Viewer Panel

In the Log Viewer panel, you can select the recorded log and trace information written to a preallocated disk file.

Panel Layout

SXLP001-------------------------- Log Viewer ----------------------------------
Command ===>

   Project . . . . . ________
   Group . . . . . . ______________________________________
   Type . . . . . . ________

Other VSAM Cluster Name:
   Cluster Name . . ____________________________________________

    Display Format ===>          (1, 2)
    Direction      ===>          (F-Forward B-Backward)
    Active Log?    ===>          (Y/N)
    Number to Read ===>          (Number to read initially)

                                                    VSAM Debug ===> (0 - 4)
                                                    Pgm Debug ===> (0 - 4)
Enter END command to terminate.

Field Description

The following table lists the fields in the Log Viewer panel:
Field Description
ISPF Log You can specify a log to view by specifying the values for Project, Group, and Type; or a fully qualified cluster name in the Other VSAM Cluster Name field. If this field is blank, the value of the Other VSAM Cluster Name field is used.
Display Format The format to display entries.

The valid values are 1 and 2.

  • 1: one recorded entry per line (truncated when necessary).
  • 2: a two-line display where the description is on the second line.
Direction The direction of reading entries. The Backward direction starts with the most recently recorded entries and reads backward for the specified number of records, thus showing the most current activity.

Valid values: Forward and Backward.

Active Log? If you specify Y, the log is treated as active (currently being updated by Substation ES). When the log is active, the index record is reread for each screen refresh to obtain the most current records.

Valid selections: Y or N.

Number to Read The number of recorded entries to display. If you do not specify a value, a default value of 200 is used.
VSAM Debug The debugging level for the VSAM access routines. Do not change this value unless requested by TIBCO Support.

The default value is zero (0).

Pgm Debug The debugging level for the ISPF interface program. Do not change this value unless requested by TIBCO Support.

The default value is zero (0).