Substation ES Parameters
Substation ES provides facilities and standard MVS methods for installation, administration, and operational staff to configure and administer Substation ES.
Substation ES contains PDS members with a default set of parameters, which are normally sufficient to activate the Substation ES and ESB interfaces. However, during installation, you must modify the parameters that declare their back-end systems (usually CICS and IMS) and that define the connections to the back-end systems.
For the suggested parameters to be changed during installation, see Changing Substation ES Parameters.
For detailed parameters, see the following topics:
- Syntax and Rules
- System Startup Parameters
- Common Initialization Parameters
- Administration Interface Parameters
- System Initialization Parameters
- CICS Interface Parameters
- RED Interface Parameters
- IMS Interface Parameters
- ESB Interface Parameters
- TIBCO Messaging-Specific Parameters
- EMS-Specific Parameters
- Rendezvous-Specific Parameters
- Syntax and Rules
This section is mainly about the rules that are applied to the Substation ES System Startup Parameters (SSP) and System Initialization Parameters (SIP). - System Startup Parameters (SSPs)
You can specify the SSPs in the PARM parameter associated with the EXEC statement, which is in the Substation ES startup JCL or procedure. By default, the SSPs are specified in the PDS member named SXSSSP$1, which is located in the library referenced by the DD name TIBPARM. - Common Initialization Parameters
Common initialization parameters are those that can be declared in all Substation ES SIP members. - Administration Interface Parameters
The following table lists the administration interface parameters supported by Substation ES. - TCP Interface Parameters
The TCP Interface member specifies the TCP Interface parameters so that Substation ES can communicate with Mainframe WebUI through this interface. The TCP Interface member template is stored in the SXSITCP file. - System Initialization Parameters (SIPs)
Before initial execution of Substation ES, you must review, edit, and change the SIP to ensure that the parameters and definitions are suitable for your environment and that they adhere to the standards of your site. - CICS Interface Parameters
The CICS Interface member specifies the parameters for the CICS transaction processing system. The interface member template is stored in the SXCINTF file. - RED Interface Parameters
The interface member that specifies the parameters for RED runs on the CICS transaction processing system. The interface member template is stored in the SXCIRED file. - IMS Interface Parameters
The IMS Interface member contains parameters required for connecting to an IMS region. - ESB Interface Parameters
You must configure the member that specifies the parameters for the ESB interface or Substation ES ESB. These templates are stored in the SXSIEMS1 or SXSIRV1 files. - TIBCO Messaging-Specific Parameters
The following table lists the TIBCO messaging-specific parameters. For details and the default settings, see the TIBCO messaging administration manuals. - EMS-Specific Parameters
The following table lists the EMS-specific parameters. For details and the default settings, see the EMS administration manuals. - Rendezvous-Specific Parameters
The following table lists the Rendezvous-specific parameters. For details and the default settings, see the Rendezvous administration manuals.
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