Generic Error Listener Utility

The Substation ES Generic Error Listener Utility receives and prints Application Notification messages published by Substation ES. The sources SXJ3IELS and SXR3IELS are in the USERHLQ.C data set.


The Substation ES Generic Error Listener Utility performs the following tasks:
  • Receives and prints Substation ES data transformation notification messages.
  • Receives and prints Substation ES operational and execution notification messages.

The utility listens to subjects or destination names you provide on the SYSIN DD Name. The name must correspond to the subject name on the recipe or trigger definition panel in the Error Subject field.

When an error or user notification is delivered during execution, a message is written to the subject defined in the Error Subject field. Even though these messages are processed by your application, the Substation ES Generic Error Listener Utility can serve as an alternate method for listening to the subjects and for printing the associated notifications forwarded by Substation ES.

JCL Sample

The sample JCL is as follows:

  • Data Set: USERHLQ.JCL
  • Member:
    • SXRRIELS (Rendezvous)

Before using this utility, you must specify the Rendezvous or TIBCO Enterprise Message Service transport parameters.

Also, review and select the appropriate Generic Error Listener Utility Control Parameters. See Generic Error Listener Utility Control Parameters.

SYSIN Parameters

The messages to which the Substation ES Generic Error Listener Utility listens are determined by the keywords and operands in the SYSIN DD name file. See the following table.

Generic Error Listener Utility Control Parameters
Keyword Operand Description
SUBJECT {tibss.error.>} Rendezvous only. These are the error subject names.
QUEUE/TOPIC {tibss.error.out} EMS only. This is the destination to which an error message is published if an ESB conversion or back-end system encounters errors.
PSWD EMS only. This is the password associated with the user ID if a special identification is to be used in the session.
UFLD-PFX {tibss-} This is the prefix of the Substation ES system field name for the processing status. It is recommended that you do not change this value for IVP runs.
USER EMS only. This is the user ID specified by you if a special identification is to be used in the session.
The examples are listed as follows:
  • Rendezvous
    subject   my-error-subject
    subject   my-errors.>
    subject   substation.test.errors.*.subject
  • TIBCO Enterprise Message Service
    queue     my-error-output
    topic     substation.test.errors (Applies to topic only.)