Example of CICS-Initiated Request or Reply
This IVP example illustrates how a request is initiated via a CICS transaction on a CICS 3270 screen terminal.
The invoked CICS program writes the request information to the Substation ES RR TDQ and waits a set time for the reply. The Substation ES gets a trigger based on the defined search criteria for this CICS initiated request trigger process. In addition, a DPL process is invoked by the requesting message. The process works as a TIBCO client application to produce the reply to answer the request.
The Substation ES reply program is invoked by the reply message. The reply data is delivered to the originating CICS program. In both directions, the Substation ES Transformer converts the data according to conversion rules in the recipes and trigger.
For more information about the process flow, see the "Messages Flow" section of the TIBCO Substation ES Concepts manual.
- Component Summary
The section lists the components that involve for this sample. - CICS Execution Command
This section lists the CICS transactions to initiate the request.