RED Interface Messages

The following table describes the messages that pertain to the Substation ES RED Interface.

Code Description
SXX7000I IId:Intf-Id Mainframe RED Initialization complete
Explanation: The RED Intf-Id interface has completed the initialization process.

User Response: No action is required.

Destination: TIBLOG and TIBTRC.

SXX7001C IId:Intf-Id Auto Connect to Applid NOT possible
Explanation: The Substation RED monitor task for CICS detected a change in the CICS status but can't complete the auto reconnect.

User Response: Issue a manual connect to reconnect to this CICS region.

System Action: The interface waits for a user's intervention.

Destination: Console, TIBLOG and TIBTRC.

SXX7001E IId:Intf-Id Connect to Applid Failed
Explanation: The RED Interface could not successfully connect to the specified application ID.

User Response: Refer to other informative messages in the log to determine the probable cause of this failure.

System Action: The interface waits until the failure condition has been corrected.

Destination: Console, TIBLOG and TIBTRC.

SXX7001I IId:Intf-Id Connect to Applid Complete
Explanation: The RED Intf-Id interface has connected to the CICS region Applid.
SXX7001W IId:Intf-Id Applid already connected
Explanation: The Substation RED interface is already connected.

User Response: Issue a disconnect before trying to connect to an already connected CICS region.

System Action: Substation ES ignores the request and continues executing.

Destination: TIBLOG and TIBTRC.

SXX7002I IId:Intf-Id CICS Region Applid available
Explanation: The RED Intf-Id interface connection to the CICS region Applid is now ready to use.
SXX7003I IId:Intf-Id Disconnect from Applid Complete
Explanation: The RED Intf-Id interface has disconnected from the CICS region Applid.
SXX7003W IId:Intf-Id CICS Region Applid unavailable
Explanation: The CICS region Applid is not available for RED Intf-Id interface connection.

User Response: Make sure the CICS region is up and running and that the RED environment is set up correctly and is started.

SXX7005W IId:Intf-Id Applid already disconnected
Explanation: The Substation RED interface is already disconnected.

User Response: Issue a connect before trying to disconnect from an already disconnected CICS region.

System Action: Substation ES ignores the request and continues executing.

Destination: TIBLOG and TIBTRC.

SXX7010I IId:Intf-Id Connect to Applid Starting
Explanation: The RED Intf-Id interface the connection to the CICS region Applid has been started.
SXX7011I IId:Intf-Id Msg-Type member joined URL:URL
Explanation: The named member with this URL established connection to the z/OS XCF environment successfully.
SXX7013I IId:Intf-Id RED Monitoring Started URL:URL

Explanation: A RED interface monitor with the URL started.

SXX7014E IId:Intf-Id RED CICS initialize failed reason
Explanation: The RED Interface did not successfully initialize the CICS environment after it connected to it.

User Response: Refer to the reason supplied as well as the return code (RC) and reason code returned. After the issue has been resolved, disconnect and reconnect to the specific CICS region using a Substation operational command.

System Action: The interface waits until the failure condition has been corrected.

Destination: TIBLOG and TIBTRC.

SXX7015I IId:Intf-Id Recipe Services for RED joined to Applid URL:URL
Explanation: The RED recipe services with this URL successfully established a connection to the CICS RED environment.
SXX7031E IId:Intf-Id RC:RC FCall:FCall



Func:Function L#:LNum

Explanation: This error is produced when the RED interface issues a RED API call and either the call returns a non zero return code or the message ID is invalid for the specified call. FCall is the specific API function call made, FRC is the return code from the Call, FRsn is the reason code from the function call. Function and line number is where in the interface the error occurred.

User Response: Refer to the RED messages and codes for an explanation about the error condition. Contact TIBCO support if the condition persists. Provide the joblog details as this will help in identifying the error encountered.

System Action: The interface attempts to continue processing after the error condition has occurred.

Destination: TIBLOG and TIBTRC.

SXX7031W IId:Intf-Id RC:RC FCall:FCall



Func:Function L#:LNum

Explanation: This warning message is produced when the RED interface issues a RED API call and either the call returns a non zero return code or the message ID is invalid for the specified call. FCall is the specific API function call made, FRC is the return code from the Call, FRsn is the reason code from the function call. Function and line number is where in the interface the error occurred.

User Response: Refer to the RED messages and codes for an explanation about the condition.

System Action: The interface attempts to continue processing after the warning condition has occurred.

Destination: TIBLOG and TIBTRC.

SXX7032E IId:Intf-Id RC:RC FCall:FCall



Func:Function L#:LNum

Explanation: This error is produced when the RED interface issues a RED API call and either the call returns a non-zero return code or the message ID is invalid for the specified call. FCall is the specific API function call made, FRC is the return code from the call, FRsn is the reason code from the function call. The Function and line number LNum indicate where in the interface the error occurred.

User Response: Refer to the RED messages and codes descriptions for an explanation of the error condition. Contact TIBCO Support if the condition persists. Provide the job log details to help identify the error encountered.

System Action: The interface attempts to continue processing after the error condition has occurred.

Destination: TIBLOG and TIBTRC.

SXX7050I - Description
Explanation: This message displays information on Substation ES RED Interface messages pool buffers currently in use. Refer to the TIBCO Substation ES Operations and Administration manual for an explanation of the command and its informational entry.
SXX7051I IId:Intf-Id Pool:Information
Explanation: This message displays information related to the RED interface messages pool buffers for this RED interface Intf-Id. The message is generated when the SHOW,RED,BUFFERS Substation ES console command is issued.
SXX7055I - Description
Explanation: This message displays information on the RED parameters set up on the Substation ES RED Interface. Refer to the TIBCO Substation ES Operations and Administration manual for an explanation of the command and its informational entry.
SXX7108E IId:Intf-Id Applid:Applid CIR1:CIR1 CIR2:CIR2 IRC:IRC S2:Num Desc:Description
Explanation: The RED Interface executed an EXCI call that was unsuccessful. CIR1 refers to the CICS response1 (eibresp) and CIR2 refers to the CICS response2 (eibresp2).

User Response: Refer to the response codes to determine the error condition. The description will help in identifying the condition.

Contact TIBCO support if the condition persists. Provide the joblog details as this will help in identifying the error encountered.

System Action: The interface waits until the error condition has been corrected.

Destination: TIBLOG and TIBTRC.

SXX7206E IId:Intf-Id Applid - CICS Region NOT Active
Explanation: The RED Interface tried to execute an EXCI call but the specified CICS region is not active.

User Response: Determine why the region is inactive and correct the condition. Ensure that the Applid specified in the RED interface parameters has been specified correctly.

SXX7700I RED for CICS - Starting Initialization
Explanation: The RED for CICS resource manager is starting.
SXX7701I RED for CICS - Initialized
Explanation: The RED for CICS resource manager has completed its initialization.
SXX7705I Product Description, Version, Started
Explanation: The RED for CICS resource manager program SXX3CADM displays a short product description, the version, and the status.
SXX7705E Product Description, Version, Start Failed
Explanation: The RED for CICS resource manager program SXX3CADM displays a short product description, the version, and the states that describe the failed start.

User Response: Refer to other messages present or go to the CICS CEEMSG and CEEOUT output data set for additional information that would have been written there to assist in determining the cause of the problem.

Contact TIBCO support if the condition persists. Provide the information in these files as this will help in identifying the error encountered.

SXX7705W Mainframe RED already active
Explanation: The function XTAD START was issued but the RED environment is already active.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXX7708I PgmName - Terminating RED CRM
Explanation: Start of the RED shutdown process in CICS.
SXX7709I PgmName - Terminated RED CRM
Explanation: The RED environment in CICS is terminated.
SXX7709E PgmName - Terminate of RED CRM Failed, Reason
Explanation: This message is displayed as a part of the RED termination process; an error is encountered and the reason given.

User Response: Check to see if the RED environment is terminated.

System Action: Substation ES continues to attempt to terminate the RED environment.

SXX7717E Module SXXACNFG must be current to determine version
Explanation: The RED startup process tried to load module SXXACNFG with a new copy but got an error.

User Response: Determine why SXXACNFG cannot load the new copy.

System Action: The command is terminated and the RED environment is not set up.

SXX7763E RED Error, Func:FnName Description Return RC Reason RSN
Explanation: The RED function FnName produced an error with the given return code and reason code. The return code and reason code are provided by RED.

User Response: Determine the cause of the error from the RED manual, and then correct and re-run the transaction.

SXX7764E CICS Error, Func:FnName Description Resp1 RESP1 Resp2 RESP2
Explanation: CICS environment with FnName produced an error with RESP1 and RESP2.

User Response: Determine the cause of the error from the CICS manual, and then correct and re-run the transaction.

SXX7771I RED Monitor at - Description
Explanation: RED monitor is listening to the specified URL.
SXX7877W IId:Intf-Id Pool,Idx:Num,Num2 BufCnt:BCount
Explanation: When a certain RED listener's pool exceeds the threshold of 70%, this message is displayed to show the current messages in the buffer pool.

User Response: If this message occurs frequently then increase the number of buffers allocated to the pool. One can also use 64-bit storage for pools to reduce the storage used below the 2Gig line.

SXX7950E IId:Intf-Id Header size incorrect Expected:ENum Actual:ANum
Explanation: A message was received but the header information size received is not what was expected.

User Response: Ensure that the system has no other error conditions and that the application has sent the correct information.

Contact TIBCO support if the condition persists. Provide the joblog details as this will help in identifying the error encountered.

SXX7976E IId:Intf-Id Service:R-Name

UoW:UOW RED does not support a Guaranteed service level

Explanation: The RED interface currently does not support guaranteed recipe service level.

User Response: Correct the SMSL Mode to Auto-Ack or No-Ack using the ISPF panel, and then refresh the recipe with the REFRESH,RECIPE console command to load the new copy of the recipe definition.

SXX7979E Id:Intf-Id Service:Service-Name not eligible for processing, Reason:RSN
Explanation: A trigger message was received but no service name was specified to on which execute the message.

The RSN is one of the following:

  • 3977 — Service suspended.
  • 3979 — Service name not found or service name disabled.

User Response: Supply a service name in the BES application, or check that the particular service name exists in the configuration file.

System Response: The execution terminates with an error message.

SXX8789E Resource-REDA, Resource-CADM, EIB Resp1:Value, Resp2:Value L#:Num
Explanation: The CICS RED interface startup program Resource-REDA tried to LINK to the CICS RED admin program Resource-CADM, but received a fault when starting RED in the CICS region.

User Response: Verify that the CICS startup procedure has the correct data sets concatenated. Also ensure that the RED interface has been correctly installed.

System Response: Mainframe RED CICS Initialization fails in the CICS region.

SXX8790C SXCO#RED NOT restarted - abend limit
Explanation: There is a SXCO#RED abend limit (default is 5), to keep from having recurring abends, SXCO#RED will stop restarting itself from this limit is met.

User Response: Determine why SXCO#RED is abending (could be the business process).

System Response: SXCO#RED is not restarted so Substation ES Red Interface will be effected.