Note the constraints of Substation ES IMS Interface.
The following are a few constraints of Substation ES IMS Interface:
Substation ES Interface does not use the standard IBM supplied OTMA API, primarily because OTMA Callable Interface (C/I) does not support the commit-then-send option and resynchronization feature of the IMS OTMA protocol.
Starting with IMS 11, timeout queues are now supported for outbound Tpipe messages. The default timeout queue is DFS$$TOQ.
Substation ES does not use this Tpipe, so you might have to create procedures to handle messages that might end up on the DFS$$TOQ queue.
Substation ES IMS Interface
Note the software requirements, naming conventions, and restrictions of Substation ES IMS Interface:
- Software requirements
To initialize and install Substation ES IMS Interface, you must have z/OS 1.8 or above and IMS 8.1 or above installed.
To use request/reply transactions, which require the IMS synchronous callout (ICAL) feature, IMS 10 or above is required. Note that IMS 10 might also require implementation PTFs.
- Naming conventions
OTMA places a restriction on the naming of clients and transaction pipes. For a list of the naming conventions you must adhere to, see IMS Communications and Connections.
- Restrictions