Summary of Definition Panel (Trigger)

The Summary of Definition panel displays a trigger definition in detail.

Panel Layout

SXTP09D -------------------- Summary of Definition --------- Row 1 to 61 of 61
Command ===>                                                   Scroll ==> CSR

|Trigger name  : CICS-RR-REQUEST
|    Output Method : 2, Trace: 2
|    Publish To     : tibss.CICS.RR.trigger.Request
|    Publish To, Sec:
|    Reply To       :
|    Error Subject  : tibss.error.out
|    Error Thresholds:  Count: 0, Percent: 0
|    Dynamic Subject Leng:0, Start: 0
|    Match at: 0, Length: 6, Value: 'SXCIRR'
|    Undelivered Requeue: No
| EMS Extensions:
|   Destination Types: Output: T, Reply: T, Error: Q, 2nd Resp:T
|   Output: Prty: N Expir: N, Compr: N, Presv: N, Trace: N
|   Expire: 0, Units: S, Priority: 4
|   SMSL Mode: RN, Delivery Mode: N
|   Message type: M

| ESB RV Endpoint id: RENDEZVOUS, Network:
| Daemon:
|     Service: 7555, Port: 0, Multicast: N, Startup: Y
|     Multicast-addr:
| SSL Required: N, SSL Authonly: N
|   KeyRingFile    :
|   KeyRingLabel   :
|   Cipher         :
|   LDAP URL       :
|     LDAP Userid  :
|     LDAP Password:
|   Enable FIPS    : N
|   Enable Trace   : N   Enable Debug Trace: N
|   Enable SSLV3   : N   Enable TLS1       : N
|   Exp Host Member:
|   Ver Ex Host    : N
| ConnFact Name: , Password: Null, Userid:
| USE SSL Parms for ECF:N
| ECF URL   :
| ConnFactory Metric: 0
|             Attempts   Delay    Timeout
| Connect:            0         0         0
| Reconnect:          0         0         0
| Admin Con:No Admin Userid:

| Output Conversion: CVR-O-TSRR-01
|     Max buffer size: 0
|     Sending Buffer max: 0, id: BUF-IO-BF01
|     Output Message id: MSG-IO-RR-01
|    From offset: 00000000, length: 00000008, name: IVP-ID
|        Buffer decimal: 0, Message decimal: 0, Buf-type: TEXT
|        To Message id: 0, Type: STR, Reqd: Y, name: IVP-ID

|    From offset: 00000008, length: 00000056, name: IVP-DESCR
|        Buffer decimal: 0, Message decimal: 0, Buf-type: TEXT
|        To Message id: 0, Type: STR, Reqd: Y, name: IVP-DESCR

|    From offset: 00000176, length: 00000008, name: IVP-START-LILSECS
|        Buffer decimal: 0, Message decimal: 0, Buf-type: FLOAT
|        To Message id: 0, Type: F64, Reqd: Y, name: IVP-START-LILSECS

|    From offset: 00000236, length: 00000004, name: IVP-BTCH-SEQ-NO
|        Buffer decimal: 0, Message decimal: 0, Buf-type: BIN
|        To Message id: 0, Type: I32, Reqd: N, name: IVP-BTCH-SEQ-NO
******************************* Bottom of data ********************************

Field Description

The following table lists the fields in the Summary of Definition panel:
Field Description
Trigger name The user defined trigger name associated with a particular transformer configuration.
Output Method The data expected to be output from the transaction processing application. For further clarification, see the Output Method field in the Trigger Details Panel.
Trace The user trace debug level assigned on the Trigger Details panel. The user trace debug level assigned on the Trigger Details Panel.

Valid values: 0 - 5.

Publish To A subject that a message is published on for a given trigger transaction.
Publish To, Sec A subject that a message is published on for a given trigger transaction.
Reply To The reply subject or destination message property for the published message.
Error Subject A subject that an error message is published on if Transformer conversion or BES encounters errors.
Count The number of errors allowed before the trigger is disabled.
Percent The percentage of errors allowed before the trigger is disabled.
Dynamic Subject Leng Optionally, you can specify the outbound subject name dynamically within the buffer. This field specifies the number of bytes for the dynamic subject name. The default value is 0.
Start The starting offset in the buffer for the dynamic subject name.
Match at The number of character positions that a string is offset in the buffer to indicate that it is a TDQ search string. The Transformer searches for a string with this offset and evaluates the string to determine the kind of transformation to perform.
Length The size of the search string in the buffer of a TDQ.
Value The string value that is associated with the transformation. This string tells the Transformer what transformation to perform on the data that is deposited in the TDQ by a transaction processing application.
Undelivered Requeue This field indicates whether the reliable trigger processes will re-queue the message if delivery fails.
Output The output destination type: T(opic) or Q(ueue).
Reply The reply destination type: T(opic) or Q(ueue).
Error The subject destination in which an error message is published if Transformer conversion or BES encounters errors. The destination type is T(opic) or Q(ueue).
2nd Resp The optional second output destination type: T(opic) or Q(ueue).
Prty This field indicates whether the priority has been set for this message.
Expir This field indicates whether the expiration has been set for this message.
Compr This field indicates whether compression has been set for this message.
Presv This field indicates whether the message is to be preserved on the server.
Trace This field indicates whether trace generates messages that include the message body.
Expire The TIBCO Enterprise Message Service expiration value for the message.
Units The TIBCO Enterprise Message Service legal unit value for the message.
Priority The TIBCO Enterprise Message Service priority value for the message.
SMSL Mode The Substation Messaging Services Levels mode used for this message by Substation ES.
Delivery Mode The delivery mode used for this message by Substation ES.
Message type The type of TIBCO Enterprise Message Service output message.

Valid selections: M(ap), S(tream), T(ext), and B(ytes).

ESB EMS/RV Endpoint id The name you specify for a ESB definition for a particular transformer configuration entered in the Define ESB Endpoint panel.
Daemon The host name or host IP address used by Substation ES to find the Rendezvous daemon or TIBCO Enterprise Message Service server and establish communication.
Network The service group selected by IP network number or multicast addresses.
Service The value for the UDP service port number that defines the service group.
Port The TCP port given to an ESB that distinguishes both Substation ES and the role of the ESB within it.
Multicast This field indicates whether the address is multicast enabled.
Startup This field indicates whether to start this ESB during Substation ES startup.

Valid selections: Y(es) or N(o).

Multicast-addr The multicast addresses to use, if the host computer has multiple network interfaces.
SSL Required This field indicates whether this ESB uses an SSL connection to server.

Valid selections: Y(es) or N(o).

SSL Authonly This field indicates whether this ESB connection uses SSL only for authentication.

Valid selections: Y(es) or N(o).

KeyRingFile The Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) ring name.
KeyRingLabel The RACF identity name.
Cipher The IBM cipher codes for encryption.
LDAP URL The URL of the LDAP server.
LDAP Userid The user ID used to access the LDAP server.
LDAP Password The password used to access the LDAP server.
Enable FIPS This field indicates whether to use FIPS 140-2.

Valid selections: Y(es) or N(o).

Enable Trace This field indicates whether to turn on SSL Trace.

Valid selections: Y(es) or N(o).

Enable Debug Trace This field indicates whether to turn on SSL Debug Trace.

Valid selections: Y(es) or N(o).

Enable SSLV3 This field indicates whether to turn on SSL V3.

Valid selections: Y(es) or N(o).

Enable TLS1 This field indicates whether to turn on TLS1.

Valid selections: Y(es) or N(o).

Exp Host Member The name of the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service server name that is being interfaced with.
ConnFact Name This field indicates whether to verify the name of the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service server matches the value specified in the Exp. EMS Host Name field.

Valid selections: Y(es) or N(o).

Password The name of the connection factory.
Userid The password to be used by the connection object when authenticating the user to the server.
USE SSL Parms for ECF The user ID to be used by the connection object when connecting to the server.
ECF URL This field indicates whether to use SSL parameters from the SSL panel.

Valid selections: Y(es) or N(o).

ConnFactory Metric The URL string that connections created by this factory will connect to.
Connect Attempts The load balancing metric of this connection factory.
Reconnect Attempts This field limits the number of times that Substation ES attempts to establish a connection to the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service server when the server is not present at Substation ES startup time.
Connect Delay This field limits the number of times that Substation ES attempts to reestablish the connection to the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service server.
Reconnect Delay The time (in milliseconds) between connection attempts.
Connect Timeout The time (in milliseconds) between reconnection attempts.
Reconnect Timeout The maximum time (in milliseconds) the Substation ES waits for a connection to the server to be established.
Admin Con This field indicates whether to create this ESB Admin connection during Substation ES startup.
Output Conversion The name you specify for the output conversion associated with the transformation.
Max buffer size The maximum outbound buffer size defined for the Msg-Field or Buffer-Field conversion rule.
Sending Buffer max The maximum size of the outbound buffer for this trigger process to be sent.
id The user defined name of the buffer definition associated with the transformation used for the sending buffer.
Output Message id The name of the message definition associated with the transformation that was entered on the Message Definitions panel.
From offset The number of bytes that the response message is offset by in the buffer.
length The length of the data type field in the buffer definition associated with the transformation.
name The user defined name for the field in the buffer definition associated with the transformation.
Buffer decimal The implied number of digits after the decimal point in the buffer. For example, for the number 345.67, the implied decimal is 2. This field only applies to integers.
Message decimal The implied number of digits after the decimal point in the message field. For example, for the number 345.67, the implied decimal is 2. This field only applies to integers.
Buf-type The mainframe type of data that the invoked application expects. The valid buffer types are Str, Text, Pdec, Updec, Zdec, Uzdec, Ubin, Bin, Float, and Opa. For the definitions of the buffer types, see Type.
To Message id A message field identifier. Zero (0) is a special value that signifies no field identifier.
Type The TIBCO message data type for the current field. The current valid message types are DAT, OPA, MSG, STR, BOL, I8, U8, I16, U16, I32, U32, I64, U64, F32, F64, POR, and IPA. For the definitions of the message types, see Type.
Reqd This field indicates whether the field is required for a conversion. The default value is Y.

If you set this field to N, if the data type is numeric, and if the content of the field has not been initialized by the host-side application, the Transformer initializes the field and no editing errors occur.

name The name you specify for the field in the message definition associated with the transformation that data is to be extracted from.
Note: The display No buffer field stipulates that this field is a system field.