CICS Interface Messages Description

The following table describes the CICS Interface messages.

Code Description
SXC3000I Applid - Connect Intf-Id to CICS Region Starting
Explanation: Substation ES initializes control blocks and calls EXCI to connect with a CICS region.

Destination: TIBLOG and SYSLOG.

SXC3001I Applid - Connect Intf-Id to CICS Region Complete
Explanation: The Substation ES connection to a CICS region has completed. All Substation ES servers within the CICS region have been found and the temporary memory queues within the CICS region have been created. Communication to and from the CICS region has been tested.

Destination: TIBLOG and SYSLOG.

SXC3001W Applid - Connect Intf-Id to CICS Region Failed
Explanation: Substation ES has failed to connect to a CICS region. All Substation ES CICS resources must be defined and enabled for a connection to be successful.

User Response: Refer to the preceding messages for clues.

System Action: No interaction with the associated CICS interface is possible. All messages and transactions destined for this CICS interface fail.

Destination: TIBLOG and SYSLOG.

SXC3002I Applid - Disconnect Intf-Id from CICS Region Starting
Explanation: The disconnect function between Substation ES and a CICS region identified by Applid has started. The Substation ES CICS interface is identified by the Intf-Id value.

User Response: To reconnect to the CICS region, either specify the connect- operator command or recycle Substation ES.

System Action: Communication between Substation ES and the specified CICS region is no longer possible.

Destination: TIBLOG and SYSLOG.

SXC3003I Applid - Disconnect Intf-Id from CICS Region Complete
Explanation: Substation ES has disconnected successfully. All active CICS resources for this particular Substation ES Interface have been shut down and all memory queues have been deleted.

Destination: TIBLOG and SYSLOG.

SXC3004W Applid - IId:Intf-Id Connection already established
Explanation: A Substation ES CICS interface is already connected to the CICS region Applid. This message was most probably caused by an operator command for connecting a Substation ES interface to the CICS region.

User Response: Ensure that the correct parameter, such as the application ID or interface ID, is in the connect-operator command.

SXC3005I Applid - CICS Connection already terminated
Explanation: Substation ES is still active and a CICS region to which Substation ES was connected has been terminated.

User Response: When the CICS region is activated, you must reconnect Substation ES to the CICS region. Do so by either starting or restarting the interface connection or by recycling the Substation ES region.

SXC3006W Applid - CICS Connection unavailable. Ignored EvtC: EvtCond
Explanation: Substation ES attempted to schedule an event, but the connection to the CICS region, Applid, has not been established or has been disconnected. The event EvtCond is not scheduled.

User Response: Review other informational, error, and warning messages in the log to identify the cause of this condition. If you cannot resolve the issue, contact TIBCO Support with the information on the error from the log and trace files.

SXC3007I Applid - CICSTSLevel:Num1 Max TDQ Size:Num2
Explanation: The CICS region Applid that was communicated by Substation ES has a system level Num1. However, the maximum TDQ size is Num2.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXC3008I Applid - IId:Intf-Id Communications shutdown in progress
Explanation: Substation ES has detected that the CICS region Applid to which it was connected has terminated.

User Response: Connect to the CICS region with the operator command as soon as CICS becomes available again.

System Action: Communication between Substation ES and the specified CICS region is no longer possible. All messages intended for the CICS region are rejected and returned with a status message to request or reply to applications.

SXC3011W Applid - IId:Intf-Id Auto connect in progress, please wait
Explanation: A Substation ES CICS interface is still waiting for a CICS region to become active. You have issued a connect request, but the CICS region is currently not active.

User Response: Start the associated CICS region and reissue the Substation command if it doesn't connect automatically.

SXC3040I Record added to Dead Message Queue
Explanation: Substation ES is adding a message to the CICS DMQ if a trigger’s definition cannot be detected or if a network outage has occurred, which causes a failure to send the message to its destination.

User Response: Check for messages in the DMQ and process them. They contain the same information that had been inserted into the trigger queue.

SXC3041I IId:Intf-Id Record added to Retransmit Queue UoW:number (Type)
Explanation: Substation ES moved the message to a CICS TDQueue SXQ$ or SXQ@. This occurrs if a trigger’s definition cannot be detected, which causes a failure to send the message to its destination.

It might also occur when the EMS server unexpectedly goes down. The type provides an indication of the trigger type such as reliable, guaranteed or ordered.

User Response: Check for messages in CICS using the SXTH,ALL command and process them. These entries will contain the same information as when they were initially received by Substation.

SXC3042I IId:Intf-Id Retransmit - RC:RC Type:Type Cnt:Num1 Fail:Num2
Explanation: A message sent to CICS BES for the Retransmit Queue or DMQ has failed with the EXCI return code RC. Type is either R (for Reliable) or G (for Guaranteed). Description is either Retransmit for the Retransmit Queue (SXQ$ or SXQ@) or DMQ for the DMQ (SXQD).

User Response: Refer to any other messages in the Substation ES log file that might help determine why the message was sent to the Retransmit Queue or DMQ. Afterwards, look up the EXCI return code to determine why the message could not be placed on the Retransmit Queue or DMQ. Check the CICS BES log for other error messages that are associated with the Substation ES EXCI interface at the same time.

System Action: Substation ES frees up the reliable messages, which are lost. Guaranteed messages roll back the transaction, with the messages remaining in the original queue.

SXC3046E Incorrect Sequence: Num Q-Record dropped
Explanation: A TDQ message received from Substation ES is out of sequence. When segmented messages are received from CICS, the first message must contain header information. Messages become segmented if the data size exceeds 32 KB. The segmented messages are placed on the queue in order for later reassembly. Previous errors, such as NOSPACE on a TDQ, without the condition being handled correctly, can cause a segmented message to have its order incorrectly stored.

User Response: Determine why the initial message segment was lost. Check the CICS BES and Substation ES log for TDQ- or EXCI-related error messages that would cause a segment loss.

System Action: Substation ES frees up the message segment and all the other related segments. The HVT message associated with the segment is lost.

SXC3050E Failed to Stop Input. You might have to Cancel the task
Explanation: Substation ES has requested a CICS Interface to stop its input threads. An error condition has occurred, disallowing the Interface to post the stop condition.

User Response: Refer to any other messages in the Substation ES log file that might help determine the problem. You might have to cancel Substation ES to shut it down. Report this issue to TIBCO Support with the entire Substation ES job output.

System Action: Processing might continue or go into an idle state. You might have to cancel the job or task.

SXC3052W Applid - Disconnect Intf-Id, NO space on TDQ File
Explanation: A write to a TDQ in CICS region Applid failed because of “no space.” The connection to Applid terminates.

User Response: Determine why CICS region Applid did not have adequate space. Delete records from TDQ or recycle CICS with a bigger DFHINTRA file.

System Action: Substation ES terminates interface Intf-Id to CICS Applid.The CICS interface will not be available until a reconnect command is issued subsequent to the TDQ “no space” condition.

SXC3053W Applid - IID:Intf-Id, NO space on TSQ File
Explanation: A TSQ write in CICS region Applid failed because of “no space.” Substation ES reports the condition and continues to extract messages.

User Response: Determine why CICS region Applid did not have adequate auxiliary space. Delete records from TSQ or recycle CICS with a bigger DFHTEMP file.

System Action: Substation ES reports the condition and continues to extract messages.


SXC3054C Applid - IId:Intf-Id, TDQ File Full, ESB State:Num
Explanation: When writing to a TDQ in the CICS region, Applid failed because of "no space".

User Response: Determine why the CICS region Applid did not have adequate space. Delete records from TDQ or recycle CICS with a bigger DFHINTRA file.

System Action: Substation ES reports the condition and continues to extract messages.


SXC3055W IId:Intf-Id - Timeout, UoW:Num Target State:Num (#:Num) Evtc:Num
Explanation: A trigger request is waiting to commit/rollback a guaranteed transaction, but it never received a post from the ESB interface or from the system internal routines.

User Response: Determine if any error has been reported in the log relating to this transaction. What might have happened is that validation had failed in the ESB interface and the coordination back to trigger thread was never sent. The CICS resource awaiting response is taken care of. Report the issue to TIBCO Support with the information from the Substation ES logs.

System Action: The message is added to the DMQ (dead Message Queue) and processing continues.

Destination: TIBLOG, TIBTRACE.

SXC3060E Applid - IId:Intf-Id, UoW:Num ESB-IID:Intf-Id State:Num
Explanation: After processing an ESB request/reply message, the CICS interface waited for a response from the ESB interface but did not receive it. The CICS interface now provides information about the request and the ESB state, then releases the UoW. No other processing will be scheduled for this UoW.

User Response: Determine if any other warnings or errors have been reported in the log related to this transaction. The ESB might have gone down, or a disconnect could have occurred. This error is expected if these conditions occurred.

If the condition persists and you are not able to determine the cause, report the issue to TIBCO Support with the information from the Substation ES log and trace files.

System Action: The message processing has not completed successfully and resources are not committed, but processing continues.

Destination: TIBLOG, TIBTRACE.

SXC3072I Maximum allowed CICS EXCI Sessions: num
Explanation: This is an informational message that shows the maximum number of EXCI sessions allowed for this Substation ES region. The message only goes to output DD TIBLPARM.

User Response: You can increase this value to 250 (maximum allowed by IBM).

SXC3072E Error in extracting EXCI LOGONLIM
Explanation: Substation ES routines cannot extract the EXCI usage limit.

User Response: Determine if any errors in the CICS runtime log file can help identify the issue. Report the issue to TIBCO Support with the information from the Substation ES logs.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXC3073I Substation used CICS EXCI Sessions: num of total
Explanation: This is an informational message that specifies the number of EXCI sessions for this Substation ES address space, that is, how many EXCI sessions are allowed for your environment.
SXC3082E Maximum CICS EXCI Sessions exceeded
Explanation: The maximum number of allowed EXCI sessions has been exceeded. Substation ES will block the startup of new connections, sessions, or interfaces from this region.

User Response: Review message SXC3072 in TIBLPARM regarding the maximum number of sessions and increase that limit if required or if possible. Contact a Substation ES field representative or TIBCO Support if necessary.

System Action: Substation ES prevents new sessions to start from this region. The existing interfaces and sessions that have been established will operate normally

SXC3083I Applid - IID:Intf-Id EXCI Sessions used:Num
Explanation: This is an informational message that shows how many EXCI connections have been used for this CICS Interface.
SXC3085I Applid - IId:Intf-Id I EXCI Connections are name
Explanation: The CICS connection for DPL sessions will use the type of connection specified in name. By default, an installation uses a SPECIFIC connection for DPL sessions. A GENERIC connection applies only if you must share sessions between applications or if you need more than 99 sessions, which is rarely necessary.

User Response: Choose the appropriate connection for your installation. In nearly all cases, a SPECIFIC connection is sufficient.

SXC3090E Applid - IId:Intf-Id INTF-PARTNER:Intf-Id is invalid. Triggers disabled
Explanation: The ID of the interface to which CICS is to deliver triggers is invalid or does not exist.

User Response: Specify the interface ID that corresponds to an ESB interface defined in the Substation ES region. For the valid interface IDs currently in your Substation ES region, run the operational command SHOW,INTF.

System Action: The system does not start SXCOSRVA in the CICS region and cannot extract trigger messages.

SXC3101E CICS EXCI Call Error – TRAN:Name Netname:Name



Explanation: An EXCI call to a CICS resource has failed or an active resource has returned an error. For the fields on an ID3 line, see Message Line Format. Description displays the information received from the CICS EXCI Interface, or pertinent information inserted by Substation ES. In the absence of any information, Substation ES displays the message No more Information.

Note: If Description contains an Inter-Region Communication (IRC) code, see the following User Response.

If Description contains "No more pipes available" then the RECEIVECount value defined on CICS session resource definition for the connection of the Netname specified is too low. You have more workers (sessions) defined than there are sessions available. The value of the RECEIVECount should nearly always be greater than 50% more than the worker threads you have defined. Note that this applies to all interfaces going to the same CICS region.

At times message SXC3191E is issued to assist with the reason when EXCI error values are received.

User Response: Determine the resource and interface that caused the error. For details on RSN, see CICS External Interfaces Guide. The following values (Description) are most likely returned to Substation ES by the CICS IRC access method:

  • CICS IRC Code:4 X’4’ – Invalid Function Requested. The CICS interface cannot contact the requested CICS region because a valid EXCI Options Module (DFHXCOPT), required by EXCI during initialization with a CICS region, failed to load and execute.
  • CICS IRC Code:36 X'24' – Set footprint has failed, which is normally a Substation ES internal error. Substation ES attempted to connect to CICS with an invalid pipe or user token and the call failed. For a quick resolution, issue an explicit disconnect and reconnect to the CICS region with the issue or recycle the Substation ES server. Report this issue to TIBCO Support with the entire Substation ES job output.
  • CICS IRC Code:92 X’5c’ – Either the requested CICS region is not available or APPLID defined in the Substation ES CICS Interface parameters is incorrect.
  • CICS IRC Code:104 X’68’ – The CICS resource as defined in the message’s resource field does not exist. Either the resource, a node name, is defined incorrectly in the Substation ES CICS Interface parameters or the CICS resource definitions have not been added to the CICS System Definition (CSD) file. Ensure that you have defined the Substation ES list TIBLIST for the CICS GRPLIST startup parameter. Review the MSGUSER data set in the CICS startup and ensure that GROUP TIBCO has been installed.
  • CICS IRC Code:124 X'7c' – Primary is in-quiesce. This means CICS is coming down.
  • CICS IRC Code:172 X'ac' – The requested CICS connection link is broken or the region is currently not available.
  • CICS IRC Code: 414

    DFHAC2206 time CICSAPPL Transaction trans-id failed with
    abend AITD. Updates to local recoverable resources
    backed out.
    RC:8 RSN:3101
    ID3: 0006 12 414 IICICSX2 SXCOSRVG

This situation is likely caused by the DTIMEOUT happening on the EXCI, because the DTIMEOUT is less than the retry time for the ESB.

SXC3102E CICS EXCI DPL Error – Description


ID3: Call type Intf-Id resource

Explanation: An EXCI Distributed Program Link (DPL) call to a CICS resource (program) has failed or the resource has returned an error. For details on the fields in an ID3 line, see Message Line Format.

RC is a number that corresponds to the CICS RESP condition that occurred. To determine the error condition, see the EIBRESP values in CICS Application Programming Reference.

User Response: Determine the error by referring to the CICS RESP values. Correct the error and restart the publishing application or trigger process that caused the DPL error.

SXC3102W CICS CA Length:CLen User`s Data Length:DLen.
Explanation: This message displays information about communications areas that was received after an error condition was detected. The information might not always be relevant to the specific condition but when the information is present it will always be displayed and might certainly help in analyzing the condition.

User Response: Determine if the information is relevant especially when the data length of the user is larger than the CICS CA area.

SXC3105E Substation CICS Error

Resource:server RC:RC SS-Rsn:RSN

ID3: eibfn RC RSN Intf-Id resource

Explanation: A CICS program in Substation ES was executed by one of Substation ES CICS interfaces and an error condition was received from the program during the execution of a command or the access of a CICS resource. The cause of the error is identified by reason.
SXC3106E Intf-Id - Error Que Extraction Error. Process Disabled
Explanation: A situation or command caused a status change, which is then checked by the particular Substation interface. When the query was performed, it was found that there was still an issue connecting to that CICS region and therefore the message was issued.

User Response: If this message is displayed with issuing in error and all connections are up , you have to find the reason for this. If this situation persists, contact TIBCO Support with the information on the error from the log and trace files.

System Action: Substation ES continues execution with no delays or side effects.

SXC3108W CICS reconnect Error Applid:Applid CIR1:CIR1 CIR2:CIR2 Desc:Description
Explanation: This message displays information about an error encountered when CICS attempted to reconnect to the region Applid. The Description provides the related CICS error information.

User Response: Determine which resource and interface caused the error. For details on CIR2, see CICS External Interfaces Guide. The following values (Description) are most likely returned to Substation ES by the CICS IRC access method:

  • CICS IRC Code:124 X'7c' - Primary is in-quiesce. This means CICS is coming down.
  • CICS IRC Code:172 X'ac' – The requested CICS connection link is broken or the region is currently not available.

System Action: Substation ES continues execution with no delays or side effects.

SXC3109E Applid - IId:Intf-Id Maximum Interfaces for a CTS region exceeded
Explanation: A single CICS region has exceeded the maximum number of interfaces allowed for connection by one or more Substations.

User Response: Remove the last Substation CICS interface that was added to your configuration. Recycle your CICS region and Substation ES.

System Action: Substation ES issues numerous messages and operates incorrectly

SXC3111I text
Explanation: This message, issued by the Substation CICS interface module, displays a generic message number that depicts an informational condition. The message is usually routed to the trace file but is also in the log file.

User Response: The message text is self-explanatory. Contact TIBCO Support with the information on the error from the log and trace files.

System Action: Substation ES continues execution with no delays or side effects.

SXC3120W CICS Interface Warning!!! SS-Rsn:RSN
Explanation: This message, issued if the return code from a CICS region call is 04 (Warning), is accompanied by additional information from the CICS conversation (if present), which is sent to the application that submitted the request. This message is sent to the error destination.

User Response: Check the message at the error destination, which is specified in the definition of the recipe or trigger service recipe.

System Action: Substation continues execution since this error is most likely an application error.

SXC3121W CICS User Data truncation occurred
Explanation: This message is issued if a trigger record has been written to a TDQ or TSQ in the CICS region and the size is larger than the maximum specified on the keyword RR-MAXSIZE in the Substation CICS Interface parameter member.

User Response: Ensure that the value of the keyword RR-MAXSIZE is equal to or greater than the maximum outbound data size.

System Action: Substation ES continues execution since this error is most likely an application error or configuration error.

SXC3124E CommArea size exceeds Max transmission size
Explanation: Substation ES has calculated that the user data and the Substation system overhead would exceed the maximum allowable or defined size for transmission between Substation ES and a CICS region. The maximum allowable size is 32,000 bytes. For non-DPL EXCI calls, the maximum is 32,000 minus 512 bytes.

User Response: Reduce the size of the data items configured in the definition of the Substation ES recipe, refresh the recipe, and resubmit the request. Alternatively, increase the size of the IOAREA in the definition of the CICS resource parameter for Substation ES. The default session name for DPL type requests is SXCOSD01.

System Action: Substation ES continues processing all other requests.

SXC3131E Substation ES - Online recorded error


Resource:name RC:RC RSN:RSN

ID3: eibfn RC Rsn_Code Intf-Id resource

Explanation: This message is issued if an error message from the CICS region Substation ES error queue has been extracted. Substation ES formats the information according to the layout of this message and then writes it into the log and trace files. For details on the fields in an ID3 line, see Message Line Format.

RC is a number that corresponds to the CICS RESP condition that occurred. To determine the error condition, see the EIBRESP values in CICS Application Programming Reference.

User Response: Determine the error by referring to the CICS RESP values and the resource that might have caused the error condition.

System Action: Substation ES continues execution since this error is most likely an application error or configuration error.

SXC3135E IId:Intf-Id Operational command execution error Resource:name
Explanation: This message is issued when the CICS interface encounters an error when executing an operational command. The resource name gives a hint as to which call was made.

User Response: Determine the error by referring to other messages in the log or trace files that might have caused the error condition.

System Action: Substation ES continues execution since this error is most likely an application error or configuration error.

SXC3150I Processed Num Type messages for iteration
Explanation: This message indicates that the current iteration of pulling records from the CICS regions queues has completed. Another iteration will be performed when the CICS region has records for this process.
SXC3151I Processed Num Type (#:QNum) messages on iteration
Explanation: The current iteration of pulling records from the CICS region queues has completed. Another iteration will be performed when the CICS region has records for this process.
SXC3191E Applid - IId:Intf-Id CICS EXCI Code:value=Description
Explanation: This message is always associated with SXC3101E, and shows a description associated with CICS EXCI error value.

User Response: Refer to the CICS reasons for the value and the previous mentioned description and take the appropriate action.

System Action: None for this message.

SXC3201I Disconnect from CICS has been requested Resource: name
Explanation: A thread or subtask of Substation ES has been requested to disconnect from the attached CICS region. The Resource name has been deactivated and is not restarted unless the interface to which it belongs or Substation ES is restarted.

User Response: Usually, no action is required. If this message is followed by error messages, browse them to determine the reason for the disconnect command from CICS.

SXC3206E Applid - CICS Region NOT Active RC:RC RSN:RSN
Explanation: A thread or subtask of Substation ES has been requested to disconnect from the attached CICS region. The resource Applid has been deactivated and is not restarted unless the interface to which it belongs or Substation ES is restarted.

User Response: Usually, no action is required. If this message is followed by error messages, browse them to determine the reason for the disconnect command issued from CICS.

SXC3400I Applid - IId:Intf-Id Started CICS (Task)
Explanation: The Substation ES CICS Interface has started another task that initiates another session with the CICS region. A new CICS interface task is automatically started if all interface tasks are busy and the maximum number of tasks (specified by the WORKERS keyword on the interface parameters) has not been reached.
SXC3401I Applid - IId:Intf-Id Terminated CICS (Task)
Explanation: The Substation ES CICS Interface has detected that one of its subtasks or thread is being disconnected from the CICS region Applid and is being terminated.

User Response: If this is an expected message because of a shutdown or an interface disconnect, no action is required. Otherwise, contact TIBCO Support with the information on the error from the log and trace files.

System Action: Communication between Substation ES and the CICS region Applid is no longer possible.

SXC3403I Applid - IId:Intf-Id Started CICS (HVT-Type #:Q-Name)
Explanation: The Substation ES CICS Interface has started another task that initiates another HVT session with the CICS region. A new CICS interface task is automatically started if all interface tasks are busy and the maximum number of tasks has not been reached. That maximum number is determined by the HVT-WORKERS keyword on the interface parameters for Guaranteed HVT and defaults to 4 for Reliable HVT.
SXC3410E Read failed for TSQ: name
Explanation: A Substation ES CICS program fails to read the TSQ name.

User Response: Determine the cause by reviewing the related return and reason codes. Fix the error and restart the program or task that failed. If the condition persists, contact TIBCO Support.

SXC3422I No records in Error Queue. Check SS LogFile
Explanation: No records are currently in the CICS region error queue. Browse the Substation log for information on the errors. Message number SXC313E in the log file contains all the relevant information.
SXC3423E Inquiry failed for TDQ:name
Explanation: A Substation ES CICS program failed to read or inquire about the TDQ name. The most probable cause is that the TDQ name was not defined.

User Response: Determine the cause by reviewing the related return and reason codes associated. Fix the error and restart the program or task that failed. If the condition persists, contact TIBCO Support.

SXC3424E EXEC CICS command Error
Explanation: An error occurred during the execution of a CICS API command.

User Response: Check the CICS logs or, if the condition persists, determine the error through CEDF.

System Action: The program in use is terminated.

SXC3520I Applid - CICS RRS Status:{Active | Inactive}
Explanation: This message depicts whether RRS is active for the CICS system to which Substation ES is connected.

User Response: If RRS is required but is not running, notify your systems or operational department.

SXC3480E Input threads failed to start
Explanation: A Substation ES CICS Interface that is required to start input threads has failed. This is usually a Substation ES internal error that might have been caused by the access denial to a CICS region.

User Response: Review the error condition along with other messages in the log. Contact TIBCO Support with the information on the error from the log and trace files.

SXC3605I Request/Reply wait in progress
Explanation: Displayed by the CICS-initiated request or reply IVP routine, this message depicts that CICS has sent a request to an external process and is waiting for the reply. The reply is governed by the response that was sent back or the timeout specified when this routine was called.
SXC3630I Substation ES CICS Req/Reply IVP (SYNC)
Explanation: Displayed by the CICS-initiated request or reply IVP routine, this message is in the description field of the message to be sent.
SXC3700I Substation ES CICS initialization complete
Explanation: The SXCOSTRT program has completed the initialization process during the startup of the CICS region, which is now ready to communicate with any Substation ES instance region.

Destination: JES message log file and SDSF SYSLOG.

SXC3701I Substation ES Version:SSVersion
Explanation: The SXCOSTRT program prints this message during the startup of the CICS region, which is reflect the Substation ES current version.

Destination: JES message log file and SDSF SYSLOG.

SXC3770E Request failed - SSES Logs has additional information
Explanation: The SXCOSRVM program prints this message during its execution when an error conditions occurs. Refer to the Substation ES log file for detailed information about the condition.

Destination: TIBLOG, TIBTRACE.

SXC3780C Description – Resp1:value
Explanation: The CICS DFHINTRA file is full and no more messages can be logged to this file. This is a critical error because unless records are extracted from the Transient Data Queues, this issue will persist with possibly bad effects, depending on how user programs handle the condition being passed.

User Response: Find out which TDQs might contain records. For a list of the Substation ES records, run the online utility SXTH,ALL. The errors that pertain to this condition are most likely in the Substation log. Attempt to resolve them. We strongly suggest that you shut down CICS at some quiet point and increase the DFHINTRA file size.

System Action: Substation ES attempts to continue processing but might shut down the connection to that CICS region. Contact TIBCO Support.

SXC3785W Description – Resp1:value Resp2:value
Explanation: During initialization, the program SXCOSTRT failed to identify the version of the connecting CICS region.

User Response: Determine if error messages are in the CICS runtime log file and, if so, whether they help identify the issue. Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXC3788E Description - CICS Intra file record size too small, < 320
Explanation: The CICS definition for DFHINTRA has a maximum record length that is less than 320.

User Response: Restart CICS in which DFHINTRA has a record length greater than 319.

System Action: The SXCOSTRT program cannot complete its initialization. This CICS region cannot communicate with any Substation ES instance.

SXC3789E Description - WRITEQ TD Failed. Resp1:value Resp2:value
Explanation: The SXCOSTRT CICS initialization process cannot write to a TDQ named SXQ$. Either the TDQ definition does not exist or a logical I/O error has occurred.

User Response: See the CICS logs for a possible explanation or other related messages. If you cannot resolve the issue, contact TIBCO Support with the information on the error from the log and trace files.

System Action: Substation ES operations for this specific CICS region fail to work.

SXC3790E Resource-Name, MOI:Value, Description, Resp1:Number Resp2:Number
Explanation: A CICS resource encountered an error condition during execution, with the resulting Description and CICS Response 1 and Response 2 values.

User Response: Refer to the CICS documentation to determine the cause of the error, and then correct and re-run the transaction.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXC3790W Resource-Name, MOI:Value, Description, Resp1:Number Resp2:Number
Explanation: A CICS resource encountered a warning condition during execution, with the resulting Description and CICS Response 1 and Response 2 values.

User Response: Refer to the CICS documentation to determine the cause of the warning. If required, correct and re-run the transaction.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXC3799E Substation ES CICS initialization FAILED
Explanation: The SXCOSTRT program cannot complete the initialization process during the startup of the CICS region.

User Response: See the preceding messages to determine why initialization failed. Correct the problem and restart CICS.

System Action: The SXCOSTRT program has not completed initializing its storage in the CICS region, which is not ready to communicate with any Substation ES instance.

SXC3880I IId - HVS Commit. Thd:number #:value
Explanation: A CICS TSQ trigger thread has just issued a commit. This commit happens because the Batch option was selected on the interface's configuration parameters. The commit normally happens when the value specified for the Batch size is satisfied, but can also happen at any point when there are no more records to download. The value specified on the messages states how many messages were extracted before the commit was issued. The thread number states which one of the threads issued the commit.

This is an information message and is only displayed when the TRCLVL-HVS has been set to 3. A value of 3 is a good choice for testing.

User Response: Usually, no action is required.

Destination: TIBLOG and TIBTRC.

SXC3881I IId - HVS starting thread (number) Items:value
Explanation: The CICS TSQ trigger master thread (0) has just started an additional thread with the number indicating the particular thread. Additional threads are started when there are more than 500 records in the CICS system waiting to be off-loaded. The number of threads to be started is based on the HVS-Workers parameter specified in the CICS interface. These threads are started and remain active as long as the value remains above 500.

This is an information message and is only displayed when the TRCLVL-HVS has been set to 1 or higher.

User Response: No action is required.

Destination: TIBLOG and TIBTRC.

SXC3900E CICS Q (QName) exceeded its threshold
Explanation: The triggerlevel set on this queue has reached its threshold and the number of entries waiting to be extracted exceeded the triggerlevel number.

User Response: See the preceding messages on the log in CICS to determine why the queues are reaching their threshold. Correct the problem and restart Substation ES.

System Action: The SXCOEVPA program is executed by way of Transaction SXPA.

Destination: Substation log and trace and operator's console.

SXC3901C CICS Master Area (SXCTSQES) is damaged
Explanation: A CICS server SXCOSRVA found that the storage information for the master area has been damaged.

User Response: Ensure you have the correct version of the Substation supplied load library concatenated in your DFHRPL DDName.

System Action: The CICS online system will not function without resolving this error.

Destination: TIBLOG, TIBTRC and SYSLOG (Console).

SXC3902E Invalid Input Parameters: input
Explanation: You specified invalid input parameters while invoking the transaction or program. input is the command string you entered.

User Response: Type HELP or ? for a display of the valid parameters.

System Action: The program in use terminates.

SXC3905E Invalid CommArea or length received
Explanation: The IVP process might have received an invalid commarea length or the length is 0. This message is placed in the result of the IVP fields and returned to you.

User Response: If the condition persists, browse the CICS logs or identify the error with CEDF.

System Action: The program terminates with the appropriate return code.

SXC3906C CICS Token not found. Program-Name, IEANTRT:'Token-Name' RC:value
Explanation: A CICS server program identified by Program-Name was trying to load the token and the name specified in Token-Name cannot be found. The value of the RC (return Code) might provide further information on why this token can not be located.

Loading the token is essential in getting the Substation run-time values that were loaded at CICS startup by PLT program SXCOSTRT.

The most likely cause for this condition is that the PLT program did not execute successfully at CICS start-up or somehow the storage area related to this token was deleted.

User Response: If the problem cannot be identified, contact TIBCO support with the information from this message and any other irregular CICS activities during this time period.

System Action: Substation cannot function without locating and loading the content based on this token. Substation will not connect and server programs executing in the CICS region will not complete successfully.

SXC3920E Starting Transaction from terminal is invalid
Explanation: The transaction entered is a CICS or Substation ES internal transaction, which you cannot start from a terminal or 3270 session.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The transaction terminates.

SXC3944E Invalid Program Name: Progname
Explanation: A program being inquired by the current routine is not available or might not have been defined to CICS as a resource.

User Response: If the condition persists, browse the CICS logs or identify the error with CEDF.

System Action: The program terminates.