Control Commands

You can enter the Control commands on the MVS console. The Control commands include SET, SHUT, SWITCH, and TERM commands.

SET Command

The SET commands change various entities. For information about the command values, see "Substation ES Parameters" in TIBCO Substation ES Installation.

The SET commands are used in the following ways:

This command changes the level of CICS when tracing reliable TSQ trigger entries that pass through the interface. The range of the valid values are from 0 to 3. The optional keyword INTF|IID=intf-id specifies a CICS interface identifier.
This command changes the level of CICS or IMS trigger information recorded to the trace file. The range of the valid values are from 0 to 3. The optional keyword INTF|IID=intf-id specifies a CICS or IMS interface identifier.
This command cleans the OTMA buffers currently in use for all IMS interfaces that are active within the current Substation ES instance. The optional keyword and IMS identifier INTF|IID=intf-id can be used to specify a particular IMS interface for cleanup.
This command starts the tpipes associated with the IMS trigger processes. The optional keyword INTF|IID=intf-id specifies a particular IMS interface identifier.
This command stops the tpipes for the IMS trigger processes. The optional keyword INTF|IID=intf-id specifies a particular IMS interface identifier.
This command starts processing of triggers that were NAKd and requeued to the NAKd trigger queue (SXITRNAK), or were timed out by IMS (DFS$$TOQ). If a queue name is not specified, the default is SXITRNAK. Any other queue name is rejected.
This command might only be issued when triggers are enabled. If triggers are held, the command is rejected.
This command changes the destination for the Substation ES log file. The valid values are D(isk) or P(rint).
This command changes the level of information recorded to the log file. The range of the valid values is from 1 to 5.
This command changes the number of centi seconds (1/100 of a second) of the Force Write for the LTA Log agent. The range of the valid values is from 0 to 30.
This command changes the level of information recorded from the following processes to trace file:
  • TRCLVL-AMSG: the RED interface for AMSG related messages. The range of the valid values is from 1 to 3.
  • TRCLVL: the RED interface for general messages.
This command sets TRACE-ENTRY for the Substation ES transformer.
This command changes the destination for Substation ES trace information. The valid values are D(isk) or P(rint).
This command changes the level of information recorded to the trace file. The range of the valid values is from 1 to 5.
This command changes the level of information recorded from the following processes to trace file:
  • OTMA: the OTMA modules of the IMS interface.
  • OPS: the operational command processor and the internal message process of Admin Interface.
  • RR: the CICS outbound Request/Reply Trigger process. For levels greater than or equal to 3, the message SXT5328I writes to the log file.
The range of the valid values is from 1 to 5.
This command changes the number of centi seconds (1/100 of a second) of the Force Write for LTA Trace Agent. The range of the valid values is from 0 to 30.

SHUT Command

The SHUT command causes an active Substation ES instance to terminate in an orderly manner. All input is stopped and all active requests within the Substation ES instance can be completed before the final termination request is sent to all active Substation ES interfaces.

SWITCH Command

The SWITCH instructs the appropriate LTA Log agent or LTA Trace agent to continue recording events on the next available disk file. If no disks are available, an error is recorded to the log file and processing continues. You can use this command only if the recording medium is set to disk on the Substation ES SSP member.



TERM Command

The TERM command causes an active Substation ES instance to terminate in an orderly manner. Termination proceeds as if a SHUT command were issued. However, if the Substation ES tasks do not appear to be terminating, the Substation ES master task attempts to cancel all the active tasks within each Substation ES interface.

Warning: For better results do not use this command because in-flight messages can be lost due to cancellation of active tasks.