CICS Transaction Security for Substation ES

Several settings enable you to enforce security in the CICS region for a transaction being invoked from Substation ES.

General Settings

Consider these two general settings:

  • Change the Substation ES CICS SXCD Connection definition by setting the Attachsec parameter to Identify.
  • Set the SEC and XTRAN parameters in the CICS SIT as follows:

Specific Settings

Consider performing the following procedures for the specific settings:


  1. Copy the Substation ES CICS Resource transaction definition SXEX to SXEU.
  2. In the Substation ES Transformer configuration panels:
    • Select the Define Message Contents panel and add the tibss-userid field. Define it as a field of type STR on the incoming application message.
    • Select the Define Conversion Relationships panels and set the tibss-userid field to Trunc=S and Reqd=Y.

      This field does not need to match buffer-field because tibss-userid is passed in a system header to back-end systems.

  3. Select the Define Recipes panel and change the Substation ES configuration recipe definition that requires a security check. Set the panel option of Mirror Tran to SXEU.
  4. Refresh the recipe with a Substation ES administrative command.