IMS Transactions
This section describes the way the OTMA Interface, which is part of the IMS interface and Substation ES, handles transactions.
Request-Reply Guaranteed
When using Substation Guaranteed services, the OTMA client (TIBCO Substation) performs these steps:
- Specify Synclevel=1 (Syncpt) in the OTMA message prefix.
- Specify
commit mode 1.
This is the only option that is used.
- The transaction is received by Substation ES, sent to OTMA, and then onto IMS.
- After an ISRT by the IMS application on IOPCB to TPIPE, the output is returned to OTMA then to Substation.
- OTMA waits for an ACK/NACK from Substation.
- Substation delivers the message to the ESB and waits for a response.
- Depending on the outcome of operations, Substation sends an ACK/NACK to OTMA.
- IMS commits or roll backs the transaction.
- Substation ES closes its UOW.
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