CICS 3270 Dead Message Queue Task

Substation ES provides SXTD, a CICS 3270 task that performs the certain functions.

The certain functions are listed as follows:

  • Display a detailed version of the Substation ES CICS dead message record.
  • Delete a record from the dead message queue.
  • Resubmit a record group from the DMQ to Substation ES through SXCQWRIT.

If you resend the task, records only go to the HVT queues. You must set the TRIG-HVT flag to on for the task to process the records.

The source for this task is in USERHLQ.COB(SXCCODMQ).

The following table describes the command-line parameters for the task SXTD.

SXTD Command-line Parameters
Command Description
SXTD Displays the first record on the DMQ.
SXTD,HELP/? Lists all the keywords for the available commands.
SXTD,record number Displays the number of the DMQ record.
SXTD,DEL Deletes the first record in the DMQ.
SXTD,PURGE Deletes all the records in the DMQ.
SXTD,RESEND Sends the first record group on the DMQ to SXCQWRIT for resending to Substation ES.
SXTD,RESEND,ALL Sends all the record groups on the DMQ to SXCQWRIT for resending to Substation ES.