
Interfaces initiate, control, and terminate sessions; and manage the data flow between Substation ES and transaction processing systems.

Substation ES contains the following interfaces:

Interfaces Description
ESB Interface ESB Interface (formerly referred to as the Transformer) translates data types between TIBCO applications and the CICS or IMS transaction processing applications. See ESB Interface.
CICS Interface CICS Interface passes data between TIBCO messaging applications and CICS applications in the z/OS environment. See CICS Interface
IMS Interface IMS Interface connects TIBCO messaging applications and IMS applications in the z/OS environment. See IMS Interface.
RED (XCF) Interface RED (XCF) Interface connects external applications with z/OS programs and transactions that are located in the batch, CICS, IMS BMP, IMS MPP or TSO regions. See RED (XCF) Interface .