Writing Substation ES Messages to SYSLOG

Substation ES provides the option to write messages to SYSLOG so that you can trap and automate the setup on selected Substation ES messages.

For example, to have Substation ES send messages SXT5636, SXT5639, and SXT5673 to SYSLOG, do the following:

  1. Create a member in the USERHLQ.MSGS(SXT56) data set.
  2. Add the following statements to the member SXT56:
    • SXT5636 OPT=SYSLOG
    • SXT5639 OPT=SYSLOG
    • SXT5673 OPT=SYSLOG
    Note: The member name must be the first five characters of the message code. For example, if the messages are SXT5847 and SXT5846, the member name is SXT58.
  3. Add the following DD statement to the Substation ES startup JCL or PROC:

An alternative way to write all Substation ES messages of a particular severity or higher to SYSLOG is by setting the LOG2-SYSLOG parameter in the System Startup Parameters (SSP) member. The LOG2-SYSLOG parameter determines the severity of Substation ES log messages routed to the z/OS SYSLOG and provides an automation tool that picks up and reacts to error messages produced by Substation ES.

The valid values for the LOG2-SYSLOG parameter are as follows:

  • 0: prints all log entries.
  • 4: prints all the messages that are warnings or of a greater severity.
  • 8: prints all the messages of that severity and higher or those that are suffixed with E, C, or F.
  • 20: prints nothing in addition to z/OS SYSLOG.