LTA Agent Messages

The following table describes the LTA Agent messages.

Code Description
SXL0001C Logger task terminated
Explanation: The logger task has terminated abnormally.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

SXL0001C Logger task abended code code_hex (A-Type)
Explanation: The Substation ES LTA agent has abended with the hexadecimal code code_hex.

User Response: Review the message with reference to its environment. Verify the System Startup Parameters and recycle Substation ES. If this condition is determined not to be a user error, contact TIBCO Support with the log, trace, and audit files.

SXL0021I Module Date - Time
Explanation: This message displays the ID of the module and its date and time of compilation.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXL0022I IId:Intf-Id Set module Module to trace level Level
Explanation: A request from a parmlib entry or a command is changing the debug level of the specified module for the specified interface.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXL0023E Module Module not found for trace level update
Explanation: The specified module ID does not exist in the specified interface.

User Response: Correct and resubmit the trace-level change request.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXL0105W VSAM Stats at addr - DD Name is blank (A-Type) RC:RC RSN:RSN
Explanation: This is a possible reason for not opening a disk output file.

User Response: Provide the DD names for more of the possible disk files.

System Action: Request to open a disk output file is refused.

SXL0212E Switch command while printing (A-Type) RC:RC RSN:RSN
Explanation: The switch command was issued for an LTA agent and the destination was set as SYSPRINT.

System Action: No switch takes place and the system continues processing.

SXL0212E Switch failed, no usable log file (A-Type) RC:RC RSN:RSN
Explanation: The switch command failed to execute because of an unusable file.

System Action: No switch takes place and the system continues processing.

SXL0214W Route print while already printing (A-Type) RC:RC RSN:RSN
Explanation: The route to print request was issued but the system was already routing to print.

System Action: Continue logging to print.

SXL0215W Route disk while already active (A-Type) RC:RC RSN:RSN
Explanation: The route to disk request was issued but the system was already routing to disk.
SXL0216E Route disk - no file available (A-Type) RC:RC RSN:RSN
Explanation: A route to disk for the specified LTA agent was requested and there was no file defined to accommodate this request.

User Response: Ensure that a Substation LTA disk file has been created and specified in System Startup Parameters. If Substation ES-recorded information is required for the specified LTA agent and Substation ES fails in routing the output to the default print destination, recycle Substation ES.

System Action: Substation ES requests to this LTA agent have failed and the LTA agent terminates. Substation ES attempts to record information to the print destination for the specified LTA agent.

SXL0217C Switch command cannot be done
Explanation: The switch command was issued for an LTA agent and no additional files were available to satisfy the SWITCH request.

System Action: No switch takes place and the system continues processing.

SXL0218E No status available while printing (A-Type) RC:RC RSN:RSN
Explanation: No status is maintained if currently routed to print.

User Response: Do not issue status request while printing.

System Action: Processing continues; no status is presented.

Explanation: The region size is not sufficient for obtaining the initial work area for logging.

User Response: Increase the region size.

Explanation: The request Req issued to the logger interface is invalid. This is probably an internal error.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

Explanation: The report format code Code was requested but is not supported. The supported codes are 1, 2, and 3.

User Response: Review and correct the definition of the logger report format code.

Explanation: The wrap code Code entered is invalid. The valid values are ON and OFF.

User Response: Review and correct the definition of the logger wrap code.

Explanation: The routing code Code entered is invalid. The valid route codes are PRINT and LOG.

User Response: Review and correct the definitions of the logger route code.

Explanation: A call to the logger’s command interface was not completed within an internally specified timeout period, depicting a possible uncontrolled loop within the logger subtask.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

Explanation: A logger subtask has abnormally completed. A possible cause could be that DD Name specified in the SSP was not defined to the startup JCL or procedure. JESMSGLG should have the following message for this reason: “IEC130I DDName DD STATEMENT MISSING.

User Response: Review the JESMSGLG output for related MVS system messages, correct the error, and restart Substation ES.

Explanation: A request was issued to the logger’s command interface that can be processed only by an active logger subtask, but the logger subtask was not active at that point. An example is the SWITCH command.

User Response: Review the logger diagnostics for a possible logger abnormal termination.

Explanation: The request to create the logger subtask failed.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

Explanation: More DDNs were specified to the logger than can be supported. There is an implementation-defined maximum; this call exceeded that maximum.

User Response: Review and correct the definitions of the LTA agent DD Names defined in the SSP.

Explanation: The DD Name specified to the Logger was blank. If a DD Name is specified, it cannot be blank.

User Response: Review and correct the definitions of the logger DD Names.

Explanation: The number of buffers specified is incorrect.

User Response: Review and correct the definitions of the logger buffer number.

Explanation: The logger subtask was already active when a request was received that must be issued before the logger has started. An example is the number of buffers.

User Response: Review and correct the definitions of the logger DD Names.

Explanation: The buffer length specified is incorrect.

User Response: Review and correct the definitions of the logger buffer length.

SXL0256E Post module type Type invalid
Explanation: The post type value for the interface module was incorrect.

User Response: This is an internal error. Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The request is ignored.

SXL0311C Getmain failed rc-RC rsn-RSN
Explanation: GETMAIN failed for the formatter work area.

User Response: Increase the region size and rerun.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL0312E Open output failed - RSN
Explanation: The formatter issued an open for the output DD that failed for the stated reason.

User Response: Correct the error and rerun.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL0313E Write failed - RSN
Explanation: The write request failed for the stated reason.

User Response: Correct the error and rerun.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL0315C Invalid request - Req
Explanation: The invalid request Req has been received by the formatter.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL0341C Getmain failed rc-RC rsn- RSN
Explanation: GETMAIN failed for the formatter work area.

User Response: Increase the region size and rerun.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL0342E Open output failed - RSN
Explanation: The formatter issued an open for the output DD that failed for the stated reason.

User Response: Correct the error and rerun.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL0343E Write failed - RSN
Explanation: The write request failed for the stated reason.

User Response: Correct the error and rerun.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL0345C Invalid request - Req
Explanation: Invalid request Req received by formatter.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL0371C Getmain failed rc-RC rsn-RSN
Explanation: GETMAIN failed for the formatter work area.

User Response: Increase the region size and rerun.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL0372E Open output failed - RSN
Explanation: The formatter issued an open for the output DD that failed for the stated reason.

User Response: Correct the error and rerun.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL0373E Write failed - RSN
Explanation: The write request failed for the stated reason.

User Response: Correct the error and rerun.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL0375C Invalid request - Req
Explanation: The invalid request Req received by formatter.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL0411C Invalid request Req
Explanation: A call to the VSAM accessor included an invalid request code.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The request is ignored.

SXL0412E Getmain during init failed
Explanation: The initial GETMAIN for a VSAM file access failed.

User Response: Increase the region size and retry.

System Action: The request fails.

SXL0414E Open-READ No record zero rc:RC-RSN
Explanation: During open for read processing, the request to read the first data block failed.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The request fails.

SXL0415E Open-READ first data read failed rc:RC-RSN
Explanation: During open-for-read processing, the request to read the next data block failed.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The request fails.

SXL0416E Open-UPDATE No record zero rc:RC-RSN
Explanation: During open-for-update processing, the request to read the first data block failed.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The request fails.

SXL0417E Open-UPDATE RRN0 update failed rc:RC-RSN
Explanation: During open-for-update processing, the request to update the first data block failed.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The request fails.

SXL0418E Open-UPDATE data record read failed rc:RC-RSN
Explanation: During open-for-update processing, the request to read the next data block failed.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The request fails.

SXL0419E Reset - Not open for output
Explanation: A reset command was issued, but the file is not open for output.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The request fails.

SXL0420E Reset - read RRN0 failed rc:RC-RSN
Explanation: During a reset operation, the request to read the first record failed.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The request fails.

SXL0421E Reset - Write of RRN0 failed rc:RC-RSN
Explanation: During a reset operation, the request to write the first record failed.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The request fails.

SXL0422E Reset - Write old data failed rc:RC-RSN
Explanation: During a reset operation, the request to rewrite the data record failed.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The request fails.

SXL0423E Reset - Read first data record failed rc:RC-RSN
Explanation: During a reset operation, the request to read the first data record failed.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The request fails.

SXL0426E Close - final PUT failed rc:RC-RSN
Explanation: During the closing of a file opened for update, a data update was found to be pending. The final write for that record failed.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Processing continues with data loss.

SXL0427E Init - Write of RRN0 failed rc:RC-RSN
Explanation: During the initialization of a file to be used as a log, the update of RRN0 failed.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The request fails.

SXL0428E Init - Write of data record failed rc:RC-RSN
Explanation: During the initialization of a file to be used as a log, the update of one of the data blocks failed.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The request fails.

SXL0429E Open-UPDATE Rec usable: Size too small for bfsz: Bsize
Explanation: The usable portion of the VSAM record Bsize is smaller than the largest expected log record Size.

User Response: Either redefine the log cluster with a larger record size or change the log record size to a smaller value.

System Action: The request fails.

SXL0430E Forced write - Data put failed RC:RC-RSN
Explanation: During a forced write operation, the put task of the data block failed with the specified return code and reason.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The request fails.

SXL0431E Forced write - Data get failed RC:RC-RSN
Explanation: During a forced write operation, the get task of the data block failed with the specified return code and reason.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The request fails.

SXL0432W INIT - End of file while initializing
Explanation: During the initialization of the log file, VSAM returned the code showing that all space in the VSAM cluster has been initialized.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXL0434E Invalid wrap value Val
Explanation: The wrap value Val was received in error.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The wrap status remains unchanged.

SXL0440C Invalid request - Req
Explanation: The request Req is invalid for this module.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The request is ignored.

SXL0441C Already open
Explanation: A VSAM DD name has been addressed by an open request but is already open.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The request is ignored.

SXL0442E Create EXLST gen failed rc:RC-RSN
Explanation: The request to generate an EXLST for a create function has failed with the specified return code and reason.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The open request fails.

SXL0443E Create ACB gen failed rc:RC-RSN
Explanation: The request to generate an ACB for a create function has failed with the specified return code and reason.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The open request fails.

SXL0444E Create open failed rc:RC-RSN - Description
Explanation: The request to open an ACB for a create function has failed with the specified return code and reason with interpreted Description.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The open request fails.

SXL0445E Create show ACB failed rc:RC-RSN
Explanation: The request to show an ACB for a create function has failed with the specified return code and reason.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The open request fails.

SXL0446E Create Getmain buffers failed rc:RC-RSN
Explanation: The request to GETMAIN buffers for a create function has failed with the specified return code and reason.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The open request fails.

SXL0447E Create RPL gen failed rc:RC-RSN
Explanation: The request to generate an RPL for a create function has failed with the specified return code and reason.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The open request fails.

SXL0448E Input EXLST gen failed rc:RC-RSN
Explanation: The request to generate an EXLST for an input function has failed with the specified return code and reason.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The open request fails.

SXL0449E Input ACB gen failed rc:RC-RSN
Explanation: The request to generate an ACB for an input function has failed with the specified return code and reason.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The open request fails.

SXL0450E Input Open failed rc:RC-RSN - Description
Explanation: The request to open an ACB for an input function has failed with the specified return code and reason with interpreted Description.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The open request fails.

SXL0451E Input Show ACB failed rc:RC-RSN
Explanation: The request to show an ACB for a create function has failed with the specified return code and reason.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The open request fails.

SXL0452E Input Getmain buffers failed rc:RC-RSN
Explanation: The request to GETMAIN buffers for an input function has failed with the specified return code and reason.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The open request fails.

SXL0453E Input RPL gen failed rc:RC-RSN
Explanation: The request to generate an RPL for an input function has failed with the specified return code and reason.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The open request fails.

SXL0454E Output EXLST gen failed rc:RC-RSN
Explanation: The request to generate an EXLST for an output function has failed with the specified return code and reason.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The open request fails.

SXL0455E Output ACB gen failed rc:RC-RSN
Explanation: The request to generate an ACB for an output function has failed with the specified return code and reason.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The open request fails.

SXL0456E Output ACB mod for NDF failed rc:RC-RSN
Explanation: The request to modify an ACB for an output function has failed with the specified return code and reason.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The open request fails.

SXL0457E Output Open failed rc:RC-RSN - Description
Explanation: The request to open an ACB for an output function has failed with the specified return code and reason with interpreted Description.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The open request fails.

SXL0458E Output Show ACB failed rc:RC-RSN
Explanation: The request to show an ACB for an output function has failed with the specified return code and reason.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The open request fails.

SXL0459E Output Getmain buffers failed rc:RC-RSN
Explanation: The request to getmain buffers for an output function has failed with the specified return code and reason.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The open request fails.

SXL0460E Output RPL gen failed rc:RC-RSN
Explanation: The request to generate an RPL for an output function has failed with the specified return code and reason.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The open request fails.

SXL0461E Output RPL-2 gen failed rc:RC-RSN
Explanation: The request to generate a second RPL for an output function has failed with the specified return code and reason.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The open request fails.

SXL0511E VGET - Invalid anchor pointer
Explanation: The routine to read a log record has encountered a poorly formed request.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The request is ignored.

SXL0513C Get - No current record pointer
Explanation: The routine to read a log record has encountered a poorly formed request.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The request is ignored.

SXL0514E Get - Next data read failed rc:RC-RSN
Explanation: The request to return the next record has failed with the specified return code and reason code.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The request is not completed.

SXL0515W Get - End of file. (from AVGET rc:4 rsn:515)
Explanation: End-of-file was signaled in response to a get-next-logical-record request.
SXL0516C Get - Unknown request: Req
Explanation: The request Req is invalid for this module.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The request is ignored.

SXL0801E Lost Num messages
Explanation: The Num of messages have been lost and could not print to the Substation log file. This occurs when there are too many messages in the logger buffer.

User Response: Reducing the trace level should help.

System Action: Processing continues.

Explanation: You have selected disk logging for an LTA agent and all the files are full. Either your files are not large enough to store the information or the files contain information that should be archived.

User Response: Take one of the following actions: Archive the files associated with the agent; turn on the Wrap option, or enlarge the current disk files.

System Action: The system attempts to redirect the information destined for the agent to print. If that fails, the system shuts down Substation ES in an orderly manner.

User Response: View the JESMSGLG output file for IEC161Is for additional information. Specify the correct DD name and resubmit.

System Action: Substation ES terminates.

SXL0816C No log found at startup – Cold
Explanation: The Substation ES LTA agent’s destination has been set to Disk, but the Disk files referenced by the *DSK-DDN keyword in the SSP has not been specified in the Substation ES startup procedure or has not been specified.

User Response: Review the error messages and reason code to determine which agent’s parameters were incorrectly specified.

System Action: Substation ES terminates with RC=16.

Destination: SYSPRINT and the log or trace file.

SXL0826I Log switch to DDN2 from DDN1 dsn=dataset
Explanation: Informs the z/OS system that a log or trace file routed to disk has been switched. DDN2 is the DDName of the new file to which Substation ES is writing its current information. DDN1 is the previously used file and the data set name of this file is dataset. The file switch can be caused by an operational command or if a file has reached its capacity such that no more messages can be written to it.

User Response: An automation utility can be used to determine the appropriate action, typically an offload of the DDN1 data set. A sample JCL has been provided at installation to offload Substation ES disk files.

Destination: z/OS SYSLOG.

SXL3001E No storage for parms
Explanation: The malloc request for storage for the input parms has failed.

User Response: Increase the region size and rerun.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL3002E Invalid parm (no dash) Val
Explanation: The parm value Val is invalid: It is not a special request and does not contain a leading dash.

User Response: Correct the parm field and rerun.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL3003E Copy(-C) = Val invalid
Explanation: Val is an invalid value for -C; it must be Y or N.

User Response: Correct the parm field and rerun.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL3004E Formatter(-F) = Val invalid
Explanation: Val is an invalid value for -F; it must be 1, 2, 3, or X.

User Response: Correct the parm field and rerun.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL3005E Input source (-I) = Val invalid
Explanation: Val is an invalid value for -I; it must be V or A.

User Response: Correct the parm field and rerun.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL3006E Reset (-R) = Val invalid
Explanation: Val is an invalid value for -R; it must be Y or N.

User Response: Correct the parm field and rerun.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL3007E Create (-X) = Val invalid
Explanation: Val is an invalid value for -X; it must be Y or N.

User Response: Correct the parm field and rerun.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL3009I parms: Parm
Explanation: This message displays the input parm field.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXL3010E Input=Archive and Copy=Y invalid
Explanation: Incompatible options have been entered in the parm field.

User Response: Correct the parm field and rerun.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL3011E Input=Archive and Reset=Y invalid
Explanation: Incompatible options have been entered in the parm field.

User Response: Correct the parm field and rerun.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL3012E -B(backward) with Input -IA(Archive) invalid
Explanation: Incompatible options have been entered in the parm field.

User Response: Correct the parm field and rerun.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL3014E -B(backward) with Skip (-Opt) invalid
Explanation: Incompatible options have been entered in the parm field.

User Response: Correct the parm field and rerun.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL3015E No action requested for VSAM
Explanation: The input is defined as VSAM and no action is requested.

User Response: Correct the parm field and rerun.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL3016E Invalid combination with CREATE
Explanation: Incompatible options have been entered in the parm field.

User Response: Correct the parm field and rerun.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL3021I Archive Read Available
Explanation: The input archive file has successfully opened.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXL3022I Formatter Name Ready
Explanation: The formatting routine Name is properly initialized.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXL3023I Output archive file opened
Explanation: The output archive file has successfully opened.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXL3024I Skipped Num archive records
Explanation: By parm request, the first Num records of the input archive file have been skipped.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXL3026W End of File from VSAM
Explanation: The first attempt to read the VSAM file has returned end-of-file.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXL3028I Positioned for tail
Explanation: The request to read the VSAM file backwards has been successfully initialized.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXL3029I Skipped ahead OK
Explanation: The request to read the VSAM file after skipping a specified number of records has successfully initialized.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXL3032I Have read specified number
Explanation: The specified number of archive records have been read.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXL3033I Have processed specified number
Explanation: The user request limits the number of records to be returned; that number has been reached.

System Action: Processing for this request is complete.

SXL3034W End of File from VSAM
Explanation: The VSAM accessor has signaled end of file.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXL3040I VSAM file reset to empty by Name
Explanation: The VSAM processor Name has successfully reset the VSAM file to empty.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXL3041I VSAM file created by Name
Explanation: The VSAM processor Name has successfully created the VSAM file.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXL3043E No storage for work struct
Explanation: The storage request for the main work structure has failed.

User Response: Increase the region size and rerun.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL3044I Log Utility initialized
Explanation: The log utility has successfully started.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXL3045I Log Utility terminated normally
Explanation: The log utility has terminated.

System Action: Processing is completed.

SXL3046E Invalid parm Parm
Explanation: - Parm is an invalid parm value.

User Response: Correct the parm field and rerun.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL3047E Invalid date/time
Explanation: The date/time entered on the parm field is invalid.

User Response: Correct the parm field and rerun.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL3048I stck=timestamp
Explanation: This message shows the STCK-formatted value of an input date/time.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXL3049E Time must be relative number
Explanation: If you have entered only the time in the parm field, the time must be relative to the current time.

User Response: Correct the parm field and rerun.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL3052W Empty File from VSAM FIND
Explanation: No records from the VSAM file met the input criteria.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXL3053I Datetime locate rc: RC
Explanation: This message displays the return from the first VSAM search request for a specified date-time.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXL3056I Non-zero return RC from Name
Explanation: The processing function Name has returned the nonzero return code RC.

User Response: See the previous messages for a further description of the failure.

System Action: See the description for the previous messages.

SXL3057E buffer allocation failed
Explanation: The buffer allocation for the input archive file has failed.

User Response: Increase the region size and retry.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL3058E Archive input fopen failed RC Explanation
Explanation: The open input request for the archive file has failed with the specified return code and explanation.

User Response: Review the JCL for the proper DD names and DS names.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL3059E Archive output fopen failed RC Explanation
Explanation: The open request for the output archive file failed with the return code RC and explanation.

User Response: Review the JCL for the proper DD names and DS names.

System Action: Processing terminates.

SXL3059I Msg: Num Message (from ModuleId) rc:RC rsn:RSN
Explanation: A support subroutine ModuleId produces Message with message number Num, returning code RC and reason code RSN.

User Response: Determine the cause of failure from the included message.

System Action: Processing concludes.

SXL8101E Error in Trace rc=RC, request Name
Explanation: While attempting to start the trace function, the logger returned a nonzero return code RC to the function Name.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The trace function did not start successfully

SXL9999E Logging startup failed
Explanation: The logging function for the utility failed during startup.

User Response: Examine the previous messages to determine the cause of failure.

System Action: Processing terminates.