
The functions which the Configuration File utility performs include the following items:

  • Populates (imports) a configuration file from an IMPORT file previously exported by one of the configuration utilities.
  • Copies all the entities from one configuration file to another.
  • Extracts all the entities from a configuration file to a sequential EXPORT file.
  • Prints the definitions for all the entities within a configuration file.
  • Validates that configuration file entities are consistent and related.

The Configuration File Utility is usually used to take a sequential file created by one of the utilities and update the contents to a Substation ES configuration file. Configuration file entities, such as messages, conversion rules, recipes, trigger definitions, and so forth, are read from the file referenced on the IMPORT DD Name and inserted to the file referenced on the CONFIG DD Name file.

When importing configuration file entities that already exist in the destination file, the entities are updated and not duplicated.