Display Configuration File Detail Panel

You can create or modify a group definition in the Display Configuration File Detail panel.

Panel Layout

SXTP09 --------------- Display Configuration File Detail ----------------------
Command ===>
   Select one of the following:
      1 Expand a Recipe
      2 Expand a Trigger
      3 Expand a Conversion
      4 Expand a Group Definition

        Identification(?) ===> ?
                              (Recipe/Trigger/Convert Id/Group Id)

        Display in Hex    ===> N (Yes/No)

Field Description

The following table lists the fields in the Display Configuration File Detail panel:
Field Description

You can enter ADD to create a group definition, and enter CAN to cancel all modifications just done to the existing group definition.

Valid selections: S(elect), D(elete), and R(epro).

Sel You can select an existing group definition to modify.
Group Id Required. The name of the group specified by you. The maximum character length is 15.

Default value: New-Group1.