Buffer Field Details Panel

You can modify the details of a field in a buffer definition in the Buffer Field Details panel.

Panel Layout

SXTP02D -------------------- Buffer Field Details ---------------------
 Command ===>

           Field Name ===> string field

           Field Type ===> STR      (STR, ...
         Buffer Start ===> 0
        Buffer Length ===> 8
       Decimal Places ===> 0  (0-8)
        Pad Character ===>    or hex( )
        Separate Sign ===> N  (N/Y) 
         Leading Sign ===> N  (N/Y)
        Justify Right ===> N  (Y/N)
        Initial Value ===>
 Initial Value Length ===> 0

  Press  END to save

Field Description

The following table lists the fields in the Buffer Field Details panel:

Field Description
Field Name The name of the field.
Field Type Required. The type of data expected by the invoked application for the field.

Valid data types: Str, Text, Pdec, Updec, Zdec, Uzdec, Ubin, Bin, Float, and Opa. For more information about these types, see Type in the Define Fields in a Buffer panel.

Buffer Start The number of starting bytes that the field is offset in the buffer. The buffer offset positions the data at a given byte position.
Buffer Length The expected length of the data for the field. If the data exceeds this length and is not truncated as specified in the Trunc field of the Define Msg-Field / Buffer-Field Conversion panel, the transformation fails.
Decimal Places The implied number of digits after the decimal point. For example, for the number 345.67, the implied decimal is 2. This field only applies to integers.
Pad Character The character to use for padding. You can use keyboard accessible characters, which are at the beginning or the end according to the justify configuration.

Default value: space.

or hex( ) The fill character defined as a hex value instead of an alpha value.
Separate Sign This field indicates whether a byte is reserved for the sign or the position of the sign.

Valid selections: N(one) and Y(es). Default selection: N.

Leading Sign The field contains a leading sign as opposed to a trailing sign.

Valid selections: N(one) and Y(es). Default selection: N.

Justify Right The positioning of the string. You can fill in the data on either side with padding characters, as appropriate.

Valid selections: Y(es) and N(es). Default selection: N.

Initial Value The value or characters that fill in the field if the data is not available in the buffer.
Note: Setting initial values is only for mapped buffer fields, for example, fields that have corresponding message field names selected on a conversion rule.

If a message field is not present in the input message, apply the following rules:

  • If the buffer field type is Text and the BES application expects the entire field to be initialized with a defined character, such as LOW-VALUES (00), specify the desired value on the pad character in the or HEX input field. Do not specify a value in the Initial Value Length field.
  • If the BES application expects the buffer field to be filled with an array of characters, specify values for both the Initial Value and the Initial Value Length fields. If you set the initial value length to 99, Substation ES uses the first character of the initial value to initialize the entire buffer field. The default value for initial value is a low value.
  • If the buffer field type is Text and the field is missing from the request message, and the value in Initial Value Length field is 0, Substation ES initializes the entire field with spaces by default.
Initial Value Length The length of the Initial Value field when used.