Message Information Format

The following information is provided for each message, if applicable.

Message identifier
An identifier in the form AAA I nnn S. See Message Identifiers.
Message text
The words and inserts that make up the message as displayed by Substation ES.
The events leading to or following the production of the message.
User Response
The action recommended for you (the console or system administrator or programmer). If not shown, it does not apply.
System Action
The action that has been or will be taken by Substation ES. If not shown, it does not apply.
The device to which the message is sent. The values are as follows:
  • Console, that is, the MVS master terminal console.
  • Log, Trace, or Audit output files, or a combination of them, of Substation ES.
  • SYSPRINT, the destination defined by the system printer to the same DD Name

If not shown, destination does not apply.