CICS Trigger Queue Verify Task
SXTV reads HVT queues and verifies that the record headers are in proper sequence.
Any errors cause printed error messages on CICS CEELOG in either of the following forms:
- "Queue:queue name Record: number - Length Invalid - Exp:number Got:number"
- "Queue:queue name Record: number - Number Invalid - Exp: number Got: number"
The following table describes the command-line parameters for
Command | Description |
SXTV,HELP/? | Lists all the keywords for the available commands. |
SXTV,queue-name,number | Displays record number in TDQ for the specified queue-name. If number is not specified, the default to display is the first record. |
SXTV,TSQ,queue-name | Displays the first 336 characters of the first record in the TSQ entry for the specified queue, where queue-name is the16-character queue. |
SXTV,SHOW,SSES | Displays the first 336 characters of the Substation ES anchor record. |
SXTV,SHOW,HVT | Displays the first 336 characters of the Substation ES High Volume Trigger record. |
SXTV,TESTHVT | Tests all the HVT transient data queues for data integrity. The output message All queues tested - 0 errors found means that all HVT queues have been tested and have passed. |
- Sample Output for SXTV Commands
The section shows an output example of an SXTV command.
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